Oh lord...

OH man this movie is boring. I am trying to give it a chance...but after the first 20 mins, I realized I was browsing and paying bills online while this movie is playing in the background...


yes, it's tough when the dialogue is like, so realistic, like, that it makes you, like, realize that we watch movies to see dialogue that ISN'T realistic, because when the slice of life is this thin, it ends up being kinda translucent...like :-)


have any of the "ultra indi" hippies every heard of writing a screenplay? improv dialogue doesn't work when you are trying to make a feature film and captivate an audience for a sustained period of time... especially when you are working with a thin plot. if my friends were as ridiculously mundane as the cast of this movie, I would have slipped into a coma years ago... yawn.



Go tell that to Mike Leigh and his Oscars.

Also, you and your friends aren't as interesting as you think you are.


I think that it's ridiculous to say that this film "doesn't work." Who doesn't it work for. It doesn't work to make 10 trillion dollars, but it doesn't have to. These films are completely up to interpretation which is why they are great.

I just think that say something doesn't work or that it's boring is a completely overused and worthless for of criticism.


I agree. It worked for me. I really liked it. If you haven't had at least one day in your life that went about like this day, then good for you. I guess. But I got it.


I liked the slice of life aspect - as I do in most Linklater films - but really also think that it could be considered a crutch sort of. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the film, but even with Nights and Weekends, where you have a few days spread over a periods of time, you're able to take so much more away from the characters. It's interesting though because in the aforementioned example, you don't grow with them at all because it's such a jump. You merely get to contrast the two time periods. I guess I feel like there's more character development there and that leaves more to be taken away.



i would never want to be anyone who's never had a day like this. i'd rather die.


When did Mike Leigh ever win an Oscar?


Maybe if you paid attention to the film instead of browsing and paying bills you would find out that you actually like the movie.


I used to wonder how the hell Transformers 2 made so much money. Now I know its because of people like you...



Quiet City is a mixture. Good in the developing chemistry between the protagonists, despite their awkward start, which I attribute to the narrative's realism. Bad in that the narrative has no clear focus, the protagonists go from one situation to another without much reason. Also, there are brief mentions of the protagonists' personal lives i.e. Charlie's unemployment, which could have been better explored.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
