what is it?

could be a action/thriller but also a horror/thriller.... I want a better plot description!


me too !

ps : I see there's a Norwegian in the cast, hoorayh !


Looks interesting...wonder if there is a trailer somewhere.


Youtube it;)


It's NOT another haunted ship movie.


The Schofield Kid: "Well, I guess he had it coming".
William Muny: "We all got it coming, kid." Unforgiven 1992


its about a missing navy vessel, black ops unit gets deployed, they find the ship, crew's dead, terrorist involvement blabla, black ops dudes go to war..

btw a 9.7 are these people out of their peanut minds..?

Contra Mundi ad Infinitum


Its not a war movie.

Its a Horror movie on a ship!!!

1. Navy vessel and the crew goes missing.
2. Black ops finds the ship and finds allmost everybody dead on the ship.
3. Then people are starting to die one by one.
4. Then they find out, that theres somebody on the ship besides them. ;)

OK, no more spoilers!!

Its not that good movie, average, nothing special. B
5/10 rating max.


5/10 on the 'B'-scale that is..


Its utterly crap! I wouldn´t even rate it as 1.


its an action thriller

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


its boring!


Yes it is. I tried to watch it but now I'm done.


-U dont need plot because this movie sucks.


no terrorist, its all about a nazi ghost


Really wasn't much of a plot. Just characters stumbling around in the dark ship until the end of the film.

Who ya gonna call? Black Ops Ghostbusters. I thought it was a very amusing mild horror film. Very funny one-liners and I'm sure this was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek horror film. Lots of laughs. Some of the characters were just plain silly. Take the engineer. The guy never washed. He just stayed with engine grease all over himself. The bald-headed medical examiner who was always covered in blood checking out human entrails. He loved his job to death. One amusing part is when the cook gets killed with a very unlikely kitchen utensil. Why, because the ghost kills you with whatever you have in your hand. I would have been walking around with a dust bunny in my hand. I'd like to see what he could do with that. I always liked the way those special ops guys talk. Like their the baddest dudes on earth until they get scared and start pissing in their pants. Lance Henricksen was a stone laugh as Captain. There was also an MIT-graduated fake Iraqi terrorist who befriended the Americans after they beat the living crap out of him.

One funny line by a badass Black Ops guy after the lead character puked from handling dismembered body parts. "What's the matter, you never saw someone wear his heart on a sleeve?"


It was a festering pile of steaming dog dung. It only had the one-liners because it was so embarrassed by its awfulness.


wow!! i thought my brain was gonna melt n run out my mouth... since this was such a jaw dropping movie....not in a good way,jaw dropping in the sense that i couldn't keep my mouth closed cause i was in such awe of how terrible it was,quite painful indeed.


I agree with people on here. Terrible film! Got half an hour in and could take no more!

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"
