Truly respect the man!

Carter is a great man! The US media has somehow managed to convince the world that the Israelis are craving for peace and that Palestinians are a bunch of anti-semitic terrorists. Jimmy Carter does a beautiful job in setting some of these misconceptions straight.

The Moslem world hates the West, because of our unconditional support for Israel. Now, that would mean nothing to me if the moral case could be made for that support. For instance, I believe we should have supported the Resistance during WW II, no matter how many Nazi sympathizers would end up hating the US. The Nazis were an extremely destructive and genocidal force. The Resistance on the other hand was a legitimate movement, fighting for freedom. The moral case could easily be made.

No moral case can be made for our support for Israel. Israel is a state which acts out policies that are extremely racist, reminiscent of South Africa and segregated USA, bent on destroying a civilization and wiping out any trace of Arab Palestine. Don't give me that 'Jews been through the Holocaust' stuf! The Holocaust has nothing to do with the Palestinians and the jews going through a difficult time does not give them a free pass in destroying an entire community.


Well stated despite your misspelling of the word Muslim. I had a college professor for history who told our class in the '80s that "the Holocaust was the worst, and then best, thing to happen to Zionist Jews." He included to word Zionist to make a distinction between Americanized Jews, many of whom are critical of Israel, and the Zionists who have taken griphold of our politicians over the last twenty years--apexing with the invasion of Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11, at the war drum beating of groups like AIPAC, PNAC and people like Wolfowitz, Perle, Rove and Kristol.
The point the professor was trying to make applied to the use of the "victim card." Using the victim card, crying "Holocaust denier" and "anti Semite" whenever an individual or a member of the U.S. media are even the least bit critical of Israel. As the Jimmy Carter documentary makes clear, being critical of Israel is not the same thing as being anti Semitic. But people like Derschowitz and Foxman, and media outlets like Fox News (owned wholly by a Zionist Jew--Rupert Murdoch), have attempted to brainwash Americans into taking an Israel over Palestine stance. It is frightening, how many brainwashed people exist in this U.S., relying on a propaganda network like Fox News for their "fair and balanced" information. O'Reilly, when interviewing Obama in the months before the election, was nearly deranged in his "who's the threat" questions to Obama-as if that is ALL that matters to a soon-to-be-elected President. The book "The Israel Lobby" makes a very clear case that no American politician can run without AIPAC's blessing, and Carter mentions it in this documentary as well. As for our college professor--he was fired from his post the week he made the comment about the Holocaust. The firing proved his point--that the victim card is very strong and a certain group of Israel loyalists (loyal to Israel, even over the U.S.) will use it to bring down anyone who dares to question Israel and the Zionist griphold on U.S. foreign policy.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.

