Anti Semetic Propaganda

This film and Carters book is nothing but anti semetic propaganda against Israel and against the Jews. It is a racist film that should be banned. If someone needs to see it than I would suggest they download it on the internet. I dont want this movie to see any profit. Shame on Demme for being duped into making this piece of Crap. This movie will do nothing but incite hate and anger against the Jews and Israel. Hate groups will love this movie. Why support hate. If you want to see a similar movie. Any news reel of Adolf Hitler will do fine or Ahmedenajad.


You haven't read the book or seen the movie. The movie hasn't even been released yet. If you do not want to add to profits I suggest that you go to the library and for the film, buy a ticket for another film and then walk into the theater playing Demme's film. I think that if you are honest with yourself you will be surprised that Carter is not in any way unsympathetic to either side. You want Israel to be recognized as a legitimate nation but without the ability of anyone to criticize it. Just because he doesn't agree with everything that Israel does, does not make him anti-Semetic, let alone in the same vein as Adolph Hitler. That statement is ridiculous.


Why is it that anyone who dare critizes Isreal is automatically labled Anti-Semetic? Disagreeing with a nation's policies is not the same as hating Jewish people.


Exactly Gringo33! Just like if a French person bashes the policies of our current
government does not mean that he or she hates all people born in the US!

Carter was the President that worked for peace between Egypt and Israel, wasn't he?

In the film, Carter meets with a group of Rabbis in Phoenix but the rabbis faces are blurred, and their comments were not allowed in the film. Perhaps they agreed with him on some points but did not want to take what appeared like an anti-Israel stance.

Jimmy Carter may be a lot of things, but I'm pretty sure he isn't an anti-Semite.


If their comments were not allowed in the film, maybe it was because they disagreed with him. Ever think of that?

"Dick Laurent is dead."




Um, it was the rabbis who would not allow their comments to be used. Interesting.


You should read the book before attacking the writer. I think you would be surprised in that Carter clearly cares about Israel. The comparison you made between Carter and Hitler is ridiculous and it makes light of how horrible Hitler was. Carter was the only president that made peace in the Holy Land a real priority with real results.



The comments the rabbis made weren't allowed into this obviously pro-Carter movie and it never occured to you the rabbis might have DISAGREED with him?! I think you need to go back to grad school.

As for josephmarkdavis,

What results have come of Carter's efforts in the Middle East, while president and after. For 60 years they're still going at it.

"Dick Laurent is dead."


I agree. This is pure hatred and dribble. Don't waste your time with this has been loser ex President.



That's exactly what Carter is, he's a failed one term president. And by the way, when he came out against Israel during the Israeli-Hezbollah war of 2006, HIS OWN SON came out and denounced him, saying that Israel has a right to defend itself, which it most certainly does. His own son disagrees with him! Come on, people, Carter is an old fool.

"Dick Laurent is dead."


The OP must be one of those hateful, anti Carter, anti America, pro Israel Nazis protesting in Phoenix. "No one cares about you" (as that one a sshole screamed to pro-Palestine protesters across the street). The rabbis in the movie did not allow their comments to be used or faces to be shown--this was not a decision of Demme. Operating in the shadows is how Isreal Over America activists, including extreme Zionist rabbis, work in this country. And blurring their faces and not allowing their comments is just an example.

Unconditional support of Israel must come to an end. What has our tax money and our unwavering media support (AIPAC makes sure of that...) done for America? Sending nearly 5000 of our troops to fight in Iraq, a nation that posed absolutely no threat to the U.S., and has since made Iran a more dangerous nation than before---but Israel wants an American led invasion of Iran too, so it's just part of the grand plan. And then invade Syria next--all courtesy of U.S. troops. And had McCain/Palin won last year, we'd be getting that. Obama is taking a page out of the Carter book, to the anger of Israel Over America traitors (Derschowitz comes to mind) in this country everywhere.

More and more Americans are angry with the Israel can Do No Wrong and "anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti Semite" sentiment in this country. Thank you Carter and Jonathan Demme for making this documentary.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


Unfortunately the book is highly inaccurate, and I can't attribute it all (or even most of it) to shoddy research, especially considering a lot of it pertains specifically to accords, agreements and meetings conducted under Carter's administration and with him involved.

The "errors" in regards to the actual outcomes of those peace accords, the definitions of boundaries set about in treaties, the actual wording of UN resolutions, all seem to be invented rather than recorded to support the legacy of Carter and how much good he did. The obvious reason for the lasting terror in the ME is due to Israel and the blame is deflected off of Carter (which it never really was on Carter in the first place, and the whole idea that it was is pure ego).

Unfortunately for Carter all of this data, in particular treaties, UN resolutions, etc are not something that cannot be verified and we have to take his books word for. They are all still on record and he has been thoroughly debunked. He is a liar trying to give a last ditch effort to put a new spin on his presidency in the aftermath of Bush Jr, and the public's turning away from formerly deified figures like Reagan.


I'd be more impressed with this thread if the OP could spell "semitic" correctly.
What I got from the film is that Carter is in fact pro-Israel but feels that the country has lost its way and is doing harm to its own long-term interests. But not unlike those who criticize American missteps, some people jump on Carter, offer up unreasonable personal attacks, and assume bad faith on his part.
Hard to have a rational discussion with such demonizing responses.
Credit Carter for trying.


get a grain of objectivity will you


Try reading anything in European papers, commentary about the ME.
It's the American press and politics that doesn't have any objectivity.
Israel is our good friend and therefore we support it's policies, no matter how wrong-headed, inimical to peace (Netanyahu admitted that his earlier gov't just went through peace charades, with zero intention of concluding anything), or how many UN resolutions it violates.


Carter isn't pro-Israel. Carter isn't pro-Palestine. Carter IS pro-Peace. Thats more than can be said of ANY of our presidents since the times of our founding fathers. America is a war-mongering state whose modern ideals are rooted in war. Anybody who is anti-war is anti-American.

Unfortunately because Carter is anti-War he's automatically anti-American, and thus by default he's Anti-Semitic. I guess that makes me Anti-Semitic also (I abhor war). But I'd rather die being called an Anti-Semite and championing peace, than die as a "Jew-Lover" who champions war.

In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. - Carl Sagan


Totally agree, butonly education can unfold the blindness of the jewish persons, the blindness from the fact that until their government respects palestiniean human rights they are going to be really safe. But i guess military persons and the government knows they have more power having this problem that not having anyone. Right now at Israel they are more worried about a suicide bomber than their government performance. Wars are beneficial to keep reasoning thinking in the darkness.

