As a republican

I hate this show, not because of the republican bashing, but because of how mindless and repetitive it is. It's the same few jokes over and over worded differently. I know that's what everyone says, but what I am getting at is that if there was a Lil Clinton show several years back, it would have been every bit as unwatchable. If every joke was about him being lustful, and playing the saxophone, while Gore was being boring and Hilary was being generally off-putting, it would be awful. You can hear every joke from this entire series in just about any SNL episode over the last 7 years. Shtick is for skits; it's not for entire series'.


As a democrat I hate this show for all of the reasons you mentioned above. I also agree that it was pointless that this was made into an entire series (I think this is why "That's My Bush!" failed as well). I'm glad we could agree on this lol. The bottom line is, the show is just not funny.


I, myself being someone who is neither republican nor democrat, but rather one of those folks who chooses not to vote. I find the show gut bustingly funny... just as I would a south park or a family guy.

and yes i am old enough too vote, for ten years now.


that's My Bush did not fail.

"The show was cancelled after only eight episodes because, according to a studio spokesman, although it was critically lauded "the cost per ratings point was just too expensive"


How is that not failing? It wasn't bringing in enough money for the amount of money it took to make it. Therefore it was cancelled, so it failed.


Um, "critically lauded" doesn't mean jack in the world of commercial television. It failed miserably because it drew a minuscule audience, and then it was canceled.


As a republican, I LOVE THIS SHOW. The Mikey Moore episode was hilarious!!


As a conservative I still find the show hilarious. I hope they keep it going for awhile, even though it will be tough with Bush leaving office soon.


i actually liked the show....i'm a libertarian and a Ron Paul supporter so i really liked it when a show makes fun of both sides of the establishment...they should make a Lil Obama show....or they should just call it Lil Politicians or Lil Washington or something like that so they can focus on someone different each would be funny if they could poke some fun at some Congress members or Supreme Court justices.


whats with you people? every thing is black and white for you.
For A democracy to work you got to have at least more than 2 Parties.

Otherwise you get us VS them Mentality.
(us vs the Democrats for example)


I'm a democrat and I totally agree with you. The show is uncreative and unoriginal and just rehashes the same joke that got old years ago. Even Jon Stewart doesn't make fun of Bush that much anymore because it just got old and hes now seen as irrelevent.

btw I strongly doubt they would have made this show back when Bush was popular.


I'm sorry but bush hasn't been popular since the early 80's.


As a Brit I just fine it Unfunny and childish *and not in a good way)



As a human being, I find this show terribly unoriginal and immature. This show should never be compared to great shows like south park or family guy. This show is just terrible on too many different levels.


Lil' Bush is an animated, uninspired and terrible rip-off of That's My Bush. That's My Bush was actually a clever spin on the traditional sitcom.

Seriously, Lil' Bush gives Liberals a REALLY bad name. It's so whiney, sarcastic, wannabe elitist and uninspired. Its a liberal equivalent of horrible Neo-Con shows like Nancy Grace or The O'Reilley Factor.


I think this show has about 60% hits and 40% misses. The political satire is right on but the weird sitcom subplots and irrelevant jokes make it hard to enjoy.



as a democrat I hate this show. It's retarded.


As a Republican, I find it pretty funny. I just love Lil Cheney RAH RAH RAH.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

