This movie is sucks

Terrible acting, low budget, not funny.


How can we argue against great arguments like this?


I didn't realize that the word 'sucks' was a noun. Oh the irony!


The acting from the guy with the girlfriend in the threesome scenario was terrible. The guys teeth in the couple scenario made me sick. The guy in the exes scenario wanted to be ben stiller so bad. I did laugh out loud at a few parts, but I really thought it was going to be a lot funnier. Dont waste 10 bucks seeing this at the theater, this is a download flick at best.



and don't use the word 'retard' as an adjective


Wow, such conclusive points how can anyone argue against these.


good film, good acting, u are the suck. retard


First of all, your english is fantastic. and second, wow everything you just said is completely false. and not just in my opinion, this was a legitimately good movie with good acting and a pretty decent budget for an indie film.


This movie is pretty *beep*


wow everything you just said is completely false. and not just in my opinion
Never grew up, huh? Never developed past the egocentrism stage?

BTW, "it's" is a contraction of "it is," not a possessive pronoun. Your English (which is capitalized) is fantastic.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


You object to this movie cuz the guy's bottom row of teeth were crooked? This is the level of your argument? Seriously? Well I hear you shouldn't give Ghost town the time of day cuz Ricky Gervais has got bad teeth too...


When the hell did I say anything about that? His teeth, wtf? I never mentioned anyone's teeth.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


haha I love retards like you who go on forums and correct everyone.

One fuc*ing hilarious retard


The acting was excellent by everyone involved. I liked all of the characters and thought they all played their parts very well.


this movie is dick



It was never funny to begin with, ya nincompoop.

A single day of freedom is worth more than a lifetime in chains ~ Grey Worm
