Underrated Todd Louiso

It strikes me that Todd Louiso is an underrated talent - his few screen roles have been subtle, moving, and often hilarious, and he rather ably directed Oscar winner Philip Hoffman in the indie tragicomedy "Love Liza." I feel like hollywood is napping on this cat. Anyone agree? Just seeing a forlorn look on this guy's face makes me laugh - I feel like he would kill in the kinds of roles that used to go to Ben Stiller when he was a little younger (ironic since Stiller might be in this new movie he's directing).



Haha. But seriously, he is underrated, and awesome. Really cool to see him and Schartzmann working together too.


Todd Louiso is great. He was ALMOST as good as Jack Black in "High Fidelity." And I liked him as the creepy man-nanny in "Jerry Maguire."


Ummm i think he is just writing the screenplay...


nope, he's directing as well....
