i loved it

i loved it - since i seen the adverts for it on TV the 'coming soon' i was wanting to watch it. i love victoria wood and knew it would be good if she wrote it AND starred in it. i watched it and the 2 hours flew by. it was good the way they shown life in the 1930's-40's during the war. i remember my nana telling me stories about how the air raid siren would go off and they'd all huddle under the stairs and turn the lights out. there was one lady in it who i recognise from somewhere and i dont know where from - i was hoping they'd have a character list up by now but i'll have to wait - anyway the character was called mrs lord.



ste03uk - the cast list is up now

... and I loved it too



I must admit, I wasn't sure I wanted to watch this... Then, they were really quite lukewarm about it on "Newsnight Review"... But, as ste03uk says, anything written by and starring Victoria Wood is going to be quality - even if it is on the usually appalling ITV1... Anyway, I'm so glad I did watch... It wasn't without minor faults... I thought Cliff's "coming out" could have been handled better... As it was, I didn't really know whether she didn't really understand what he was getting at, or if she automatically accepted the fact... And, it was a little bit episodic... But, the writing and acting were excellent, it was a joy to watch and it was brave enough to have a not particularly happy ending... I mean, she was reconciled with Cliff. But, he, for understandable reasons, wasn't his old self... And, with her WVS duties coming to an end, all she had to look forward to was being stuck in a depressing marriage with - being polite - that emotionally retarded bloke... I suppose this was to show that, as everyone always says, the war liberated women. But, at the end of it, they were expected to meekly go back to their pre-war existence... Anyway, an excellent drama.

I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.


The character of Mrs Lord was played by Marcia Warren. I recognised her too from somewhere and thanks to imdb I think the mystery may be solved. You may be thinking of her character in Dangerfield when she played the receptionist in the doctor's surgery.
