What is reward for?

So the guy burns first half of the money, and then blows up the second. What exactly is reward for :)?


Saving the day.



Whose Day?
He was responsible for Dobbs death for trying to turn him.
He was responsible for the suicide.
He was responsible for the cop getting shot by trying to be a smart ass.
And was almost responsible for getting his brother killed.
All this when he's no Rambo.

Oh did i forget to mention he was part of the plan to rob $42 MILLION. woah you get a reward for that now, maybe i should try this stunt as well somehow.


NO, what you forgot was that no one knows he is responsible for all those things. The cop probably figured he wasn't in on the heist since he was locked in the armored car to keep from getting killed by the "real" thieves. When the cop told his story he probably made Ty sound like the hero. Besides that, judging from those two fires I would doubt that all the money was destroyed.

If I have to read the book to help explain the movie that tells me the movie failed


Hollywood logic. In the real world Ty would have been lucky to convince the DA not to press any charges on him; that's about the only reward he would have gotten.


Remeber when they were telling Ty about those guys that "pretended" to be robbed for the 3 million? And how worried 2 of the guys looked while the story was being told. Maybe the police linked that fake heist with this attempted fake heist. So, the reward might be from the first truck heist.
