MovieChat Forums > Armored (2009) Discussion > Been a long time since I ripped a dvd ou...

Been a long time since I ripped a dvd out of my player and

threw it in the garbage. What a cool movie that couldn't haven't gotten lamer faster. As soon as the "heist" started it was game over. I got as far as the shot cop. Skipped ahead to see if they ever got out of the abandoned factory. Nope. See ya. What a waste of a great cast, cool characters and slick production.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


It was not bad enough to skip any of it but i have to agree it had good characters and acting but a overused plot and was stupid at times. I found it enjoyable though.


Stupid is right. Like.... four big guys spend almost an hour trying to hammer out some hinges, while the guy inside the truck prises up the floor in a few seconds with a crowbar. Completely, utterly stupid.

The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery.


Yup, silly moralizing and politically-correct idiocy. Completely inappropriate in an action film.


What made the film ”Politically Correct”?

”Deh Deh Deh, DA Dabacco”-Puert Rican dude from the ”I aint your Papi” episode of COPS.
