MovieChat Forums > Armored (2009) Discussion > 10 minutes into the movie and hollywood ...

10 minutes into the movie and hollywood has to bash the Iraq war.

Typical, ex-soldier who says he is not proud of what he did over there, he also makes the comment that they killed a lot of innocent people.

Thanks again liberal leaning hollywood for forcing your lame political views on everyone.


agreed. i thought the same thing.


I know. The political commentary pissed me off too.


Yes, wars are cool and killing people is totally awesome! Damn those liberals distorting things!!


Wars are not cool. No one said it was "awesome". But, liberals shouldn't bash America every chance they get and depict it as being so "bad". Please don't reply. Don't want to get into a political debate in what we believe in.


Right because we all know that it's good to kill innocent people and only liberals think it's bad. Jackass.




Always a stupid teabagger huh. I guess they forgot soldiers and contractors DID kill innocents. That is a fact. Many soldiers feel like Ty did when they come home. Are they liberals too? Wingnuts always complain about everything. If Ty had said he loved the Iraq war and killing brown people, the teabaggers would have loved it. Double standards.


America, *beep* yeah!
Comin' again to save the *beep* day, yeah,
America, *beep* yeah!
Freedom is the only way, yeah,

Terrorist, your game is through,
''cause now you have to answer to,
America, *beep* yeah!
So lick my butt and suck on my balls,
America, *beep* yeah!
Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now?

It's the dream that we all share,
It's the hope for tomarrow, *beep* yea!

McDonalds, *beep* yeah!
Wal-Mart, *beep* yeah!
The Gap, *beep* yeah!
Baseball, *beep* yeah!
NFL, *beep* yeah!
Rock'n'Roll, *beep* yeah!
The Internet, *beep* yeah!
Slavery, *beep* yeah!

*beep* yeah!

Starbucks, *beep* yeah!
Disney World, *beep* yeah!
Porno, *beep* yeah!
Valium, *beep* yeah!
Reeboks, *beep* yeah!
Fake Tits, *beep* yeah!
Sushi, *beep* yeah!
Taco Bell, *beep* yeah!
Rodeos, *beep* yeah!
Bed Bath & Beyond...(*beep* yeah)

Liberty, *beep* yeah!
Wax Lips, *beep* yeah!
The Alamo, *beep* yeah!
Band-Aids, *beep* yeah!
Las Vegas, *beep* yeah!
Christmas, *beep* yeah!
Immigrants, *beep* yeah!
Popeye, *beep* yeah!
Democrats, *beep* yeah!


Typical, ex-soldier who says he is not proud of what he did over there, he also makes the comment that they killed a lot of innocent people.

Thanks again liberal leaning hollywood for forcing your lame political views on everyone.
I have yet to hear someone come back from over there and say they had a great time. Especially those in Infantry. No one ever wants to talk about what happened. And if i ever heard someone say they loved it, i'd be wary of them.

Now you realize that that scene set up how his character would react to the later events in the film? He was a soldier, someone known for being loyal and noble, who only wanted to participate in the theft because he had very little financial options left, and only on the condition that it would not cause any harm to others. And as soon as someone was hurt, he had to do everything he could to help them...because he was a good soldier and a good person.

You gave up everything you had to find me. You found me broken.


You call that criticism? Yeah, it must be real difficult to listen to how the US fascist storm troopers are slaughtering civilians all over the world. Extend your right arm in a fit of joy.


I think people just hate blatant social commentary by hollywood writers more than anything. It's only written because that's the writer's world view and he wants to make it a message in the movie in the most ham-fisted way possible. People hate being spoon fed stuff like.


Bet nobody would hate it if he'd been all upfront and happy about whatever he did in Iraq and would've gone on about how he was out "thear protectin ur freedums". I bet none of you jackasses would be here talking about the "conservative Hollywood" trying to give a positive spin on the war.


If anybody wants a writer who fetishises war, try John Milius...

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


If writers didn't have a point of view, then there would be no stories, because there would be no conflict.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


You call that ham-fisted? That little line of Ty that fits his character and is important for the plot? Seriously? As someone who doesn't live in the US I find that very hilarious ... you must be very oblivious about what Hollywood usually does to foreign countries, ethnicies and their history on regular basis in a WAY less subtle way.


Writers are people too; therefore, they are going to have opinions...

How is it 'forcing' a view?! It's not demanding that you agree, and even if it was, clearly that tactic hasn't worked, because you disagree... Your attitude does more for forcing views on people, because you're complaining when an alternative view to your own is presented... Just let it slide.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


US is unfortunately still killing victims in Iraq even today....

Remember Fallujah the revenge city, the birthplace of Saddam that the US army entered and destroyed during that so-called war?

Babies are still paying the price for US use of criminal weapons and experimental weapons which damage the environment.

Funny enough, as outrageous as this is it is not a first, babies are still being born with unbelievable mutations in Vietnam decades after that criminal war ended.

The casualties in both wars and even the result in Iraq (which was a win for US and now they have a regime that doesn't care about the people, an oil rich country with torture and oppression and dire poverty (at least under Saddam they had torture and oppression yes but not so much poverty)) reflect the mind of a crazy imperialist quasi racist country that could use wmd on a country wrongly accused of having wmd.

Yet this idiot thinks the US Govt is being maligned... by Hollywood as well which has produced almost total pro war and anti-Iraqi propaganda from day one.

I know even the 'liberals' among the US population only care about the US soldiers killed so even so - consider them then... Thousands dead and tens of thousands injured physically (imagine how many bear mental scars) for a war that was based on total liars, and none of you have worked up the energy to even charge the liars, your fake President Obama has even praised the crime of deception that led to this war crime.


TOTALLY AGREE w/YOU! Its like whether you were for or against the war -- we still had men and women over there fighting for us... They could at least have respect for them -- Its a typical Hollyweird jab at the military, YET these liberal wussy actors try and play soldiers in other movies, which I will not name - too long of a list. I am sick of them shoving their liberal views down our throat, this movie didn't even need this particular scene in the movie. Funny thing is I'm an Independent voter- so don't ppl start bashing me for being a war-monger Republican - I simply support our men and women in uniform fighting for our country. Also, my husband served his country - he is an ex-Marine, as is my father -who fought in the Korean war, and received 2 purple hearts - I'm proud of my father and husband, and they will forever be Marines - once a Marine always a Marine - Semper Fi. Hollywood can shove it up there ass !! They got their wish w/the current President we have, who I consider an "apologist" for the Americans -- he basically apologizes to the terrorists and other enemies of our country for the war. This is NOT a person I want in the WH for another 4 yrs. I don't care if ppl don't agree w/me about Mr. Obama, he's done nothing for this country - and led the Obamabots who voted for him w/empty promises. Yes We Can - my ASS !!
