
I enjoyed Ruby in the Smoke a lot, but I didn't enjoy this one as much. I haven't read the books so no idea how faithful it was, but the story was just daft. Billie Piper as always watchable and the supporting cast was ok, but it dragged for me.


Same...it wasn't as good as 'Ruby' especially as I LOVED the book of this one. Fred's death was nothing like as devastating as it should have been! I think Billie Piper wasn't that great either, I mean she wasn't bad but I just didn't think she worke that well as Sally.
Though I must say JJ Feilds has a beautiful mouth.

'Oooh yeah'


I personally think that it was better than Ruby in the Smoke, as it missed less out. The story was less jumpy from place to place, and I think it would have been easier for someone else to follow. However I don't think the acting is good enough to capture the passion in the book, especially in scenes such as Fred's death, and Jim's hunt for Sally.


I thought Shadow in the North was more suspenseful.

I literally cried. I didn't think a YA book would feature the death of such a big character. Ok, I'll revise that: romantic lead. I could see Jim dying (not that I'd like that but it seemed more plausible), but I honestly was shocked.

Has anyone read these books? Are they worth the read even if you're an adult?


The books are amazing, so much better than the tv show. They are not particularly young adult, any more so than His Dark Materials. They have alot of history and politics and the such in them.


The books really are fantastic. I think they are seriously underated. Because His Dark Materials is such a success, his other books don't get anywhere near as much spotlight as they deserve.

I've read the first 3 - they're basically impossible to find in bookshops - and they've turned into my favourite books. The twists and the characters and the overall plots are just amazing!

I thought Billie Piper did really well! I knew she would, she's a brilliant actress. I might be a little bias because I love Billie and the books so much, but I thought it was fantastic. They missed a few things I wish they hadn't but that's always expected in a movie adaptation.



I cannot accept Billie Piper as Sally, and it's turned the whole series so far into a huge disappointment for me. I'd imagined Sally to be much more feminine, and much less rigid than Piper's characterisation.
It might be just me, but Piper looks and sounds like she's trying to remember her lines and articulate them as carefully as possible. Sally would be much more self-assured and eloquent.


I also love the books very much, they are deep and happy and painful.
Book 4 (Tin Princess) is a drift from the first 3, but still very enjoyable.

I think the whole cast in this production is at least 4 years older than they should ('Jim' and 'Sally' were 24 at the time of the Ruby in the Smoke, 'Fred' 28), which in this age range shows a lot. I agree that Sally would be more feminine, and somehow 'lighter'.

Well, what can we do... I don't expect Hollywood would've done much better, look at His Dark Materials...



