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Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


I loved it.
Some people have to view this film more like Die Hard 4.0 than another Death note film.

\(^o^)/ "Flying Man!" Says Symbol Hiro.


I definitely liked it! I did find the death scenes to be a little too cheasy and the villains a little too flat. But despite that, I thought it was great! L was just adorable with those kids ^_^


Yeah! Loved it too! n.n

I agree with the death scenes, but just L and his cuteness is enough to forget about that n_n



I LOVED this movie. I'm an AVID Deathnote fan as wella s an L junkie. ( look up the user L_forever to see what I mean). I LOVED it. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want them to make at elast 1 mre movie since the reference the BB murder cases in the beginning fo the movie. LOVED the spinoff novel (BB murder cases) and REALLY wanna see a movie of that.


It wasn't bad. Of course, those who are hardcore DN idiots would have a different view otherwise. I'm really glad that L had a film of his own. I think this would be a best time for me to mock the Light Yagami fangirls/boys out there: I hope there won't be a standalone DN sidestory for him. I mean I certainly don't want to get bored with someone who'll only be spending 90% of his time on some silly notebook that grants him the ability to kill anyone he wants pretty much on duration of the film. I mean if L: Change the WorLd was bad, think how even worse it'd be if for the so called, Savior of Mankind, would be.. Second, there's really not much about Light that needs to be explored in the first place. Thanks to the DN volumes, we pretty much knew everything about Light, whereas, L on the other hand left some of us thinking, "I wonder how L would be like if he never faced someone like Kira/Light?" The only thing that was exposed about him is his uncanny demeanor and genius-level intellect in the DN saga. This is the sole purpose of this film. To explore the human side of L. The only drawback I could think of is that I wish they wrote something up of L's background like his past for instance; how it was like for him to be growing up as a gifted child in the orphanage. (like how Near - at least in this film - came to the orphanage and how he became L's protege)


I liked it, it was interesting to see L in a different situation. I wasn't expecting death note 3 so I was satisfied.

This is where the fish lives



I thought the movie was awesome. Poorly written is pretty harsh -- Sure, it wasn't great, but it was MILES ahead of the stupid Death Note live action movie, which trampled all over the manga and anime, which are masterpieces of the trade.

And there were some scenes (quite a few, even) where you just had to say, "Wow, that was wicked-cool!" Like when L jumped into the airplane. It was so out of character, and it was awesome! And when he pretends to comfort the little girl, but is actually checking her blood pressure.

And the end almost made me cry... The point is, it may not be the best movie ever made, but for a Death Note movie, this was a masterpiece. It may have helped that I was always thinking of it as a spin-off, not a direct sequel. And I'm still waiting for L to get his own show!

Really, with a couple (or an enourmous amount, even) improvements, this story might be able to make a short-lived T.V. series... but I really want to hear about L before Death Note rather than after.


LOL, I found the Live Action movie to be fine, and there is merit to the chief criticism that L-CtW is lacking in the mental interplay so much a part of the DN movies.

As such, the script could have been more in line with what one would expect from L.

That caveat aside, it's a fairly decent characterization piece about L and his background.

When you look at it for what it is -- a TV Movie -- it's not all that bad.

Not as good as the DNs, but good enough.


Loved it +++++++++++



Loved it. Can't wait to see it again.


loved it!

John: ..but a talking snake made a lady eat an apple, so we're screwed -Man From Earth


loved it! cant wait to see it again!


Loved it. I can't wait to see it on the big screen.


Also love it!

"You have to have a sense of humour, darling, to be alive. Even a bit mad. It helps to be mad."
