Eye Opener!

I watched the trailer on You Tube and it really opened my eyes! This is the first time I have seen the guys on the inside speak out and finally tell the - unfortunately sad- truth. This is seriously mind blowing. If you don't want to stay ignorant to the truth any longer check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGPp-WhgEXE



One has to ask, Bellydancer, where on earth have you been???


The problem with the whole fiasco in Iraq is that former "neocons" are now distancing themselves from the entire situation. Sure, Bush is still stuck in time but it is pathetic to see former people involved in this effort speaking about how much of a failure it is.

Further, people who voted for this boondoggle are now preaching about its failure even while they were part of the sham.

The American people MUST WAKE UP. The control is under the control of very dark forces (an oligarchy) which when distilled to its core is no different than the dictatorship the current administration overthrew....it's a shady game and many Americans "think" their "freedoms" exist but one only needs to look at the Patriot Act and other actions to realize we have a two-party banana republic which is corrupt.

Americans, we need an independent THIRD party. The Dems and Republicans are polluted and backed by old and dirty money.

We need to take our country back.



Anyone ever dealt with a 2 year old who only says "NO"? Well, that's what we've got here with our leader. It has been an incredible ride for the American public as we continue to sit back and watch the charade's paraded in front of all of us, yet do nothing to stop him, or put a stop to both parties speaking like they have all the right answers for "the people" they serve.
I have to say that I came away from Moore's documentary [sicko] with a big clue as to what we the people CAN do about the B.S. that America has created. M.Moore said that the French get out in the streets, all of them, and they march and protest about everything and guess what, their government does what they say. What's wrong with us, are we so lazy that we just can't get up?! Every town and every City, not just New York, or Washington, but every small town and city in America should stand up, get in the streets and revolt against the machine that is grinding our once great country into dust. It will not be the government that save's us, it will be us. It's horrifying to talk to some Americans beyond the typical sound bite on the war, only to find they don't have a clue of what you are talking about...I have to agree with Saddamwear.


"our once great country"

You cannot be serious?

If I want Your Opinion I will Ask Your Ex Wife
