Bush is a war criminal

american people should take some legal actions against this criminal. death sentence would be the right answer.


You're an idiot.


no you are. bush is prob sudan hussein's long lost bro am i wrong dude am i wrong dude dude am i wrong


Yes. You are.


i also think he´s a war crminal...am i an idiot as well?

amazing being a republican bling guy, isn´t?



"I'm not even an American, so it's a lot harder for me to achieve idiot status". What a great and true line. Thank god I'm not American


By all accounts he, or at minimum some in his administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld et al), should be held accountable for possible war crimes based on unjustified, unilateral aggression alone. But considering the Vietnam War came and went without any repercussions to American policy makers (specifically Kissenger) it is highly unlikely this will ever happen. The hypocrisy of America’s foreign policy has no limits.



Don't worry, only 1 more year. Not that it looks like we'll get someone great in the next election but virtually anyone is better than Bush. He's been the biggest joke in American history. That's what you get when poor dumb rednecks come out to vote.


"That's what you get when poor dumb rednecks come out to vote"


Isn't Liberalism at its core about bringing everyone to an even plane, considering all peoples equal, and believing in the good of your common man? The hypocrisy of the liberals must be unveiled


You say "George W. Bush is the worst president in the history of the United States of America."
But who elected the worst president? Is it the worst people...?
Americans very soon will have the possibility to make the same mistake!


American people?! American voters?!?!?!!? remember the florida elections?!?!?! Bush and his henchmen have been criminals from the beginning. Don't forget his father either; he's one of the chairmans of the board of the Carlisle Group. Look it up; Bush Sr. and others get rich from the war!... and so on and so on...


"American people?! American voters?!?!?!!? remember the florida elections?!?!?! Bush and his henchmen have been criminals from the beginning. Don't forget his father either; he's one of the chairmans of the board of the Carlisle Group. Look it up; Bush Sr. and others get rich from the war!... and so on and so on..."

Yeah Bush stole the election from gore right?

Al Gore Was unable to win the state of Tennessee in the general election, you know, that state he was senator of...

If the man cant win the state for which he served as a senator, i cant immagine he is all that popular.

Note to you, Al Gore is a global warming profiteer. He gets paid vast sums of money to sit on the boards of companies such as GOOGLE and APPLE (stock symbols GOOG and AAPL respectively). Not only that but his house uses up on average, 20 times the recommended energy of a normal home, and his net worth is estimated at considerably more than 100 million.

But i forgot, being rich is only evil if you're a republican...



"By all accounts he, or at minimum some in his administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld et al), should be held accountable for possible war crimes based on unjustified, unilateral aggression alone. But considering the Vietnam War came and went without any repercussions to American policy makers (specifically Kissenger) it is highly unlikely this will ever happen. The hypocrisy of America’s foreign policy has no limits."

The fact that you think Donald Rumsfeld is currently a member of the Bush administration totally nullifies anything you have to say.


Where in my post does it indicate that I think Rumsfield in still part of the current administration? Sorry should I have specified "past or present members"? My apologies to those who don't have the intelligence to figure out what I meant.

The fact that you argue based on semantics and not issues nullifies anything you have to say. Good day sir.



Specifically, what war crimes are you alleging?


Open your goddamn eyes...


So, you don't actually know of any, and are just repeating a liberal talking point? Exactly as I thought.

I'd love to hear what 'war crimes' Bush is guilty of. Seriously. I imagine they're the same as all the 'liberties' he's 'stolen', which also don't exist.


If not war crimes then what's your position on impeachment? Or is that just another "liberal talking point"?

And why do so many Americans seem to categorize everything as "Liberal and Conservative"? First off, the true meaning of those words in politics has been distorted over the years. Secondly, most people fall into neither category as they are either politically indifferent or simply moderate (they see good and bad with both the right and left of the political spectrum). I think truly enlightened people are those that don't label themselves as either Liberal or Conservative as they tend not to see the world through ideological lenses. People that do just automatically label those who don't agree with them.

With that, just because one believes that Bush and his cronnies should be held legally accountable for their actions it doesn't automatically define him/her as a 'liberal' or 'lefty' or 'commie' or whatever other label your political faith sees fit.


George Bush's aides wrote a briefing document and then reduced it to a single page because they knew the President had trouble absorbing information from the written word. Bush didn't even bother to read the one-page summary. As a result, US citizens died.

However, even in wartime stupidity and laziness aren't grounds for a court case.

On the other hand, Francoise Ducros (the Canadian civil servant who said Bush was a moron) should perhaps be given an apology and offered her job back.


Stupidity and laziness aren't grounds, but engaging in a war of aggression and authorizing torture of civilians and war prisoners are both actual war crimes.


Here's two charges for you:

1) Initiating a war of aggression.
2) Authorizing the torture of war prisoners.

Those are both war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.


Not to mention the slaughtering of his own people in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.

On his last trip to Iraq, there were some heavy whistling's during his speech and it is obvious that there is discomfort among the troops and he no longer brings courage to them.

He's just giving away your country and profit to his friend's companies in charge of reconstruction, protection, weapons of mass destruction, etc. Don't be blind and open your eyes, people should rise against their true oppressors that don't allow you to go to college, that give you poor health systems, expensive "cardboard" houses, inefficiency during disasters, etc. etc. etc. That is the true tyranny of the world and you US citizens are responsible for that, you are the only ones that can make a change, just put 1 million people in front of the white house and see if he is so brave to stand against you. It's your country, so take care of it, like we do in South America when we don't like our leaders; btw its really cool to see them flee like the cowards they are, cause if we get them, we fry them.

The US economy is going to collapse due to his stupid policies. Your economic problems are just beginning, wait 1 or 2 years for a major catastrophe, the 30's will look like a joke and Mr. Danger (Bush) will be laughing at you all from his palace in Saudi Arabia. The capitalist view of unlimited resources and eternal bonanza is an illusion, sooner or later all the papers that the Federal Reserve gives you will be worthless like in eastern Germany 1950, its just paper built upon imaginary enterprises that say they are worth something with no real backup.

Fact: 1 day of Iraq's cost could solve all the problems in New Orleans due to Katrina. The whole war cost, well you can imagine what you can do with all that money.

Good luck and try to make a difference in the world today.


"Here's two charges for you:

1) Initiating a war of aggression. "

WAR - a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.

Aggression - The act of initiating hostilities or invasion.

I suppose if you simply put the two definitions together, then you're absolutely correct. unfortunately you have to look at the precedence that has been set, and the types of wars that this law was made to stop.

The Geneva Accord, was signed in 1954, not too long after WWII, and it just so happens, that i know of two countries that started wars against non-hostile, peace-loving nations, governed by peace-loving leaders. When Germany Attacks Poland, this is a war of aggression, when Germany invades France, this is a war of aggression. But don't you see there is a huge difference between this and the invasion of Iraq. Whereas the people of Iraq are certainly peaceful and wish no harm upon themselves or anyone else for that matter, their leader is not. Saddam played hide and seek with the UN Nuclear officials for years. Such acts are provoking this kind of response, especially when the lives of millions of people are on the line, add that to the thousands of his own countrymen he slaughtered in his acts of Genocide, and you have a completely justifiable war.

This is totally ignoring the fact that the US senate voted for the war. Among those in support of the war were prominent liberal democrats such as Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former presidential candidate john Kerry, and Ted Kennedy.

As for the torture issue. The use of torture in the United State's arsenal has been, and always will be for the preservation of American lives first. In the case of these War Prisoners we have, they have a second title... they're called terrorists, and the funny thing about terrorists is, they know other terrorists. If we can learn the location of more terrorists, especially the higher level ones, we have the ability to save American lives.

America comes first, I will not falter in that respect.

Malcolm X said it first, and I have yet to improve upon it,



take legal action against the death sentence?
yeah they really should abolish it, it's criminal to kill people...


What nonsense. The death penalty is proven to deter crime. Why should we abolish it?


I'm sure that the use of hardcore torture on prisoners would deter crime too. That doesn't mean we should use it. If we can't torture them because "they have rights," then how can we justify killing them?

Last Films Seen:
Cloverfield: 9/10


what a lie!!! when commiting a crime no one expects to get caught or thinks about the consequences.


Sounds like you know a lot of what other people think.


The death penalty is proven to NOT deter crime in any way, shape, or form.


The death penalty is proven to deter crime.

Actually, that relationship has NOT been proven. To the contrary, many studies have shown that the death penalty has had no positive effect on reducing the violent crime rate in the U.S. (for anectodal evidence, just look at the homicide rate in the U.S. versus the homicide rate in Japan or Europe where there is no death penalty).

[C'mon now, you don't really think that the bad guy who is about to murder someone decides not to go through with it because they suddenly think to themselves: "Hey, this is a death penalty state, isn't it? I better just wing this guy instead."]

IMO, the two primary benefits of having the death penalty both come into play only AFTER the "qualifying" crime has already been committed. First, the threat of the death penalty is a useful tool that can be used by law enforcement to persuade the criminal to confess and/or to provide info regarding their accomplices, other crimes, etc. (I don't doubt that criminals are VERY cognizant of the death penalty after they have been apprehended.) Second, I believe that executing murderers probably does bring some sense of satisfaction or "justice" to some of the relatives of crime victims & to many of us in the general populace. I know that I personally will find myself smugly thinking that "He got what he deserved" after a serial killer has been executed. The desire for revenge is very natural & understandable ("an eye for an eye"), but let's not pretend that capital punishment is an effective deterrent.

Colonel Angus: Well thank you Miss Anabelle. And if I overstay my welcome, just tap me on the head.


Is any kind of punishment an effective detterent?

Let's give people better economic opporunities to prevent crime instead of focusing on punishing people after the fact.

Stop right wing hate! Support a return of the fairness doctrine: www.fair.org


Bush has Urinated on the US Flag, and Destroyed the US Reputation and Respect.


Is That So? Does Writing Like This Make It Seem More Important?



Wow for a dude named Toejoe you should not be the one picking out war criminals. And to call our president a war criminal and call for his death is not just treason, but shows how far the liberal movement has come. Get off your fairy train and take the next stop to the real world. Get a life.

The Almighty says stop procrastinating and answer the f____ question


Bush should be tried and convicted for treason, not because of Iraq, but because of his pursuit of the North American Union, which would basically destroy the U.S constitution by default and compromise the sovereignty of Canada and Mexico as well by creating a North America without borders. google North American Union for anyone who thinks this sounds too insane to be true.


What legal action?The Bush administration was sued by Valerie Plume but that was thrown out. The only thing American people can do is force those cowards in congress to bring charges to Bush. And we all know that won't happen.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Here's a resume for Dubya (albeit a parodied and partisan one) showing his many criminal acts and "legal" screwups:


I laugh at the way it's presented. I'm a Democrat BTW.

When The Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power The World Will Know Peace- Jimi Hendrix.


I am not an American.

Can someone please explain to a 'Foreigner' why no-one in american has brought any of the following charges to the president/staff:

1; Vote rigging

2: Misinformation

3: Treason



...The list goes on...

What i really want to know is why he is tolerated and sometimes even praised by a large majority of your country, and why is nothing done about his blatant disregard for the US constitution and the bill of rights, which in essence is everything that makes America, America?

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."



I said so before and I'll say it again.



shteak says:

I am not an American.

Can someone please explain to a 'Foreigner' why no-one in american has brought any of the following charges to the president/staff:

1; Vote rigging

2: Misinformation

3: Treason



...The list goes on...

What i really want to know is why he is tolerated and sometimes even praised by a large majority of your country, and why is nothing done about his blatant disregard for the US constitution and the bill of rights, which in essence is everything that makes America, America?

We're too busy working, playing golf, watching TV, etc. to really participate in trying to put up a really organized huge opposition to this sort of thing, or to even try very hard to figure out what's going on. With so much fun stuff to do here, and so little free time to do it in, it's not hard to become apathetic about this political kind of stuff. Many people here don't get much vacation time, many work on many weekends, many have multiple jobs, and there really is a lot of stuff offered here in terms of recreation. Even many wealthy people work way too hard--and there is even a lot of really fun recreation available to poor people.

Plus, for reasons that are probably deep and mysterious, Americans do seem to tend towards self-absorption for longer into adulthood than I believe is common for humans. I suppose you can think of it as a symptom of maybe a little too much emphasis within popular culture on capitalism and acquiring material wealth, but that isn't really a very satisfying explanation, I know. I don't have all the answers.

But, yeah, you would think more people would be really upset about a presidential election being stolen and the craziness that ensued in Iraq and all this, wouldn't you? You'd think millions of people would be out on the streets and would never stop protesting. You'd think even most Republican types would be disturbed by all of this nonsense. It is kinda weird that all of this just kind of flies right by everyone without much protest.


Yes he should be sentenced. Just not to death.

You don't get to use the precedence of a past illegal action, to justify awarding yourself carte blanche. You can't kill people to make yourself feel better. That's the mindset of extremists and their apologists, who like to label terrorism as retaliation, by excusing their side's actions and pointing to a larger terrorist act on the other side. That's not justice - that's revenge. And we're better than that.

Bush and Blair should face justice by being thrown in jail.

"It's not about money. It's about sending a message."


noone is going to face justice and sure as hell noone is going to get thrown in jail so just stop it

this is the way the world is, this is the way it's ALWAYS been
it's just easier to see it for what it is today because of all the access we have

he's going to be gone soon anyways


I didn't say he was going to be thrown in jail. I said he should be thrown in jail - that would be justice. I hate the notion that international laws don't apply to this elite little club of nations instantly presumed to have the moral high ground. Bush, and I'm sorry to say Blair as well, are the definition of war criminals.

And I'm not sure a defeatist attitude is what the public needs. People should openly condemn this level of corruption, and I'm happy to see that many have.

But you're right no one's going to jail. And that's reason enough to be outraged.

"I think you and I are destined to do this forever."
Heath Andrew Ledger
(1979 - 2008)


I wasn't being defeatist
I still think history will look back one day and see this was all for the greater good (greater good being for us (western nations))

you know... who would you HONESTLY rather have in control of such an oil rich area? the USA who has pretty much the same values as most of us in canada/britain etc.. OR China? Russia? Iran? Saddam Hussein?


so are you saying that americans have right to occupy country and steal somebodys natural resources because they are western country????huh??I think this war proved that US doesnt have higher moral values and their international politics are much more dangerous then those of China or Iraq...I hope US will never want to bring freedom to my country...Bush is responsible for more deaths then Saddam but he wont be judged because he's got bigger tanks. Thats what politics are about...


As much as I abhor throwing around ad hominem, that's just plain garbage.

Have you ever heard of the "anfal." Something completely absent really in any substantive way from this documentary, though they make a passing reference.

Hussein launched a war against Iran that ended up killing more than one million people. He used mustard gas, nerve agent GB, and Sarin. He diverted the river waters that were the lifeblood of the Marsh Arabs and created an economic and ecological catastrophe.

If the US really were the moral equivalent of China or Iraq, why not just drop a few nuclear missiles on any of our enemies? Easy to do. No Americans hurt. Not much money spent.

But we don't because we're better than them.

And better than you.

That's why America is the greatest nation on earth.


To the retard above who not only seems to think China have dropped a nuke on some ignorant country and killed millions(that was you), and that Saddam's war on Iran wasn't totally aided by the US, who were fully aware that Hussain intended to gas and bomb mostly innocent civilians... Saddam was a US puppet who was killed for not following orders! Sychonic, although i know that no critique against the US will penetrate your thick skull, i must still respond to your ignorance and point out that 6.500.000,000 people know you're full of it!

...Oh, and socialism is awesome!!!

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


That's a big stinking load a crap your selling there, Shteak.

You obviously have absolutely no idea of what your talking about. Are you fresh out of high school or College? Your definitely not bright enough to be the teacher who fed you the crap your regurgitating. Communists/Socialists like the guy above will never know just how great freedom is until its taken away from them and they are oppressed by the all powerful government they trust so much.

They will compromise theirs and our freedom and happiness for a state handout or the illusion that their Government will take away money from someone who earned it and give it to them because somehow they think they're entitled to other people's hard work.

Your communist dream will never see the light of day, but hey you can dream right? Or you can movie to Cuba or North Korea to see how great* Socialism/Communism really is.


I'm sorry, but you really are deluded and i have no time to argue with ignorant, self-righteous halfwits who believe the U.S. is a free country... Also, i'm sick of trying to explain socialism to a country that whilst singing the praises of the Fire Department and the Police, think that socialism is an evil, and that communism is a similar idea... They're not!!! And, if you missed my point about your F.D. & your P.D., they're both socialist entities, controlled and payed for by the U.S. Gov... Your country is about as free as a dead dog in a bag. I find it amusing that you believe you're not being oppressed by one of the most controlling regimes in U.S. history... I would have thought someone would have mentioned that your constitution has been torn apart, especially since Bush II, and you guys just go along with it like it's nothing... The modern republicans, like yourself, are uneducated, racist self-important people who are incapable of seeing the truth about your precious nation, even if it ends up destroying it. You couldn't pay me to live there! I like my freedom too much! ..Now, go eat a big mac, pay taxes for the rich, pay hundreds, if not thousands for you medications and imply that Obama is a foreign muslim... That's what you all do, isn't it?

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


This poor boy is definitely in arrested development. One can chuckle at the foolishness since there's no power behind it. The place socialists have had power, that's not a chuckle, in fact it's a terrifying horrifying thing. Three of the top three mass murderers have been socialists: Mao, Stalin, Hitler.

This sentence that who might "think that socialism is an evil, and that communism is a similar idea... They're not!!!" is possibly the most asinine I think I've seen on a post. Has this person heard of the USSR? Let's see, what did that stand for? "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." Interesting use of the term socialist.

How about the Nazis? The NSDAP? Who has heard of that? I assume all have. National Socialist German Workers Party. Interesting use of the term socialist.

For most Americans to be called a "socialist" is an insult. It would be quite wonderful if more people thought like this person, "you couldn't pay me to live there!". Then we wouldn't have to build walls to keep people out or from coming here illegally.

Seems odd that everybody hates America, but everybody wants to live in America.


It takes more to be a socialist that just a name... What you need to do is buy a dictionary(not many about in the states, i would have thought), and actually look up the word "Socialism"... Then go look up Mao, Stalin and Hitler... They were "Fascists"... You cant be a socialist AND a fascist. Just because Hitler and his goofball cronies used the word, doesn't make it a reality... The Chinese are supposed to be communists, but in reality they're fascist, capitalists... Similar to America! Democratic socialism is nothing like you imagine in your tiny little americanised half-brain... It works in most countries and the proof is in the fact that these countries not only have happier people than in the U.S. but, also have superior education, environmental services and equality than the states... Just look at Denmark or Germany... Put you lot to shame... Not that you'll actually look at the facts... Facts are the enemy of republican xenophobes like yourself.

...Oh, and here's a nice quote from U-S-HISTORY.COM:

"...According to the Future of Freedom Foundation, any government-owned, -funded, or -subsidized operation is considered to be a socialist program. For example, publicly owned airports, sports arenas or government-funded universities would be considered socialist operations by that definition".

...So, add that to the Police and Fire Dept and you got yerself a socialist society... Well done!

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


Remarkable that a Socialist can claim that Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin were not socialists, but rather fascists. I do understand not wanting to take credit for Hitler, though a Socialist he did claim to be -- though not internationalist, but rather nationalist. Socialism obviously, if one can't trust the word as it is applied to nations or individuals who call them such, has become useless, in fact useless.

See the formal name for Libya: "Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"
or Vietnam: "Socialist Republic of Vietnam" -- great company with those charmers. Even the "Communist Party of Kampuchea"-- the Khmer Rouge, genocidal folks.

It must be nice to say that only the warm and soft socialists are really socialists but the genocidal maniacs who spouted the same concepts, but rather different tactics, weren't. Basic fact for European social democracies, or socialist governments, is that they cannot sustain their economic system. Just can't -- hence the European implosion that is happening right now.

And it's such a luxury for the Eurofolks to have big socialist style government programs, while the US foots the bill for its collective military survival. Examples immediately come to mind: Balkan genocide -- Europe couldn't react, had no ability. Had to wait for the US, on the other side of the Earth, to step in. Same with Kosovo and Serbia. And then Libya. Many European countries, and others, love to hate the US right up until they need us. Then it's "why isn't the US doing anything on this?"

Perhaps an American education is what you need to better yourself. Oh, and, hmmm, this is the internet? Right?

Invented by Americans.


American education is a joke! You consistently rank very lowly in the international standards yet seem to be unaware of this. The mention of the Balkans is the only thing you said that was close to the truth... Europe is not imploding for any reason other than the U.S. Banking systems and Capitalism.... Not socialism! The U.S. doesn't "foot the bill" for anything we do, in fact, because of a "special relationship" we are forced to pay for and go along with you arses into a pointless, evil war with Iraq & Afghanistan even though no-one in this country wants anything to do with you or the war... ...And, whilst you like to think you pay for all this, which you may do, and that's why you're apparently 12 trillion in debt, you also make all the money back for your capitalist rich... Halliburton springs to mind... That oil don't drill itself either.

Pretty much everything you said is provably wrong, but you won't go any further than Fox news for your "facts", so we might as well stop this now...

Oh and that internet wouldn't be very useful without a computer, would it??? ...A British invention!

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


Perhaps ignorance of what the United States is and how it relates to the world is the answer to some of these irrational statements. How American education can be a joke when among the finest universities in the world are in the U.S., with many, many foreign nationals wishing, petitioning, and making great efforts to attend them, must be a mystery to America haters.

It must give one a warm and fuzzy feeling to stand shoulder to shoulder, and in support, with Sadaam Hussein (killer of civilian Kurds through chemical weapons, destroyer of the Marsh Arabs, user of mustard gas against the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War) and also the Taliban, killers and oppressors of epic proportions. It's disheartening to know that there are those who support those regimes in any civilized context. Of course reading over the posts here, "civilized" is a wisp at best.

It would be interesting to find a "socialist" nation that has ever succeeded. Once it has failed, socialists either find excuses or try and say that it wasn't a socialist country to begin with. Very convenient, and of course laughable.

I agree by the way, when one is proven wrong, over and over again, best to stop
"this now." I'm glad you suggested it so you won't have to suffer any more embarrassment.

And the British certainly helped invent the computer, but there were Germans, Russians, and Americans that contributed. But also inventing the wheel doesn't mean one invented the Ford Mustang.

Too bad too, most Americans have great affection and respect for the British. I guess in this particular instance, the feeling is not reciprocated.


