MovieChat Forums > No End in Sight (2007) Discussion > It's unforunate things are going so well...

It's unforunate things are going so well...

I was really hoping there'd be a civil war in Iraq. Then these movies would have really been prescient, now many places in Iraq are seeing no attacks!

It was supposed to get really bad, and we were supposed to pull out and then there'd be a civil war and that would be Bush's fault. Iraq wasn not supposed to ever be a stable democracy, it's supposed to be a killing field. It's too bad these movies couldn't have come out before the 2004 election, they might have pushed things in Kerry's favor. Then we could have pulled out at the height of the violence and the Democrats would have been proven right.


The only reason there isn't more violence is because the Bush administration is paying off (bribing) all the factions to play nice. Once that's over they'll be back at it.

I wish smarmy armchair warriors like you would enlist but those who are gungho for war are typically the least interested in participating.


The only reason there isn't more violence is because the Bush administration is paying off (bribing) all the factions to play nice. Once that's over they'll be back at it.

I hope you're right!

I wish smarmy armchair warriors like you would enlist but those who are gungho for war are typically the least interested in participating.


I hate war, I wish we'd never attacked Iraq and it pisses me off my tax dollars are being spent there.


It's true, the Surge is essentially the Bribe, we are paying off the Sunni militia, they are going to ethnic cleanse the *beep* out of the place, and as soon as we stop paying them, who knows. Yes the surge is better than an absolute catastrophe, but it is no reason to not look back and LEARN from what happened over there that necessitated the SURGE/BRIBE.


I don't care about looking back, because I don't think we should ever invade another country again. I just wanted to pull out of Iraq and let happen what will.



It's not my fault or the Democrats fault that Bush lied and people died.

It's his mess, not ours. I don't feel any responsibility to clean up a mess someone else created...



I agree, BUSH-Hitler is the terrorist, along with the Republicans and so called Democrats who supported the war.

I hope Obama pulls out fast, ends the bribes and the inventable ethnic cleansing or what have you finally happens. You say it makes America look bad, hopefully it does, maybe it will teach Americans not to do this. Success in Iraq would likely result in MORE such actions. Only "defeat" will really be a lesson.



Exactly, therefore we need to pull out. The war was based on lies and every minute we stay in Iraq, even if its to stop a genocide or whatever, is wrong. We need to pull out.

Stop right wing hate! Support a return of the fairness doctrine:


Obama made it clear that he will not hold Bush, Cheney, Rove and the rest of the NeoGoons accountable. They should all be sent to The Hague to face war crime trials. Obama wants to "move forward." But that's not to say an independent committee could be established. And this committee would need to research every bit of Neocon activity, going back as far as the 1980s (when people like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney were labeled "The Crazies" by longtime CIA analysts like Ray McGovern).

There are still unanswered questions about 9/11 as well. But the media ("liberal media" my a ss) has done a good job of painting anyone who questions 9/11 or the "Intel" leading us into the illegal Iraq invasion a "conspiracy nut."

In order to answer the questions why we invaded Iraq, the Neocons need to be fully investigated. Every inch of their beings need to be researched. I hope that one day we'll have a Woodward and Bernstein that will expose these war criminals to the country and the world.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


its your fault you put him in office.


Explain. You really feel McCain and Palin would appoint a committee to investigate the Bush team for war crimes? Get off the laughing gas.

As long as the treasonous special interest groups control the U.S. Government, accountability for Iraq will go out the door. Heck, these people want an invasion of Iran. Bomb bomb bomb Iran, to quote McCain.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


Yup, the zionists control US foreign policy, and they have for decades.

Stop right wing hate! Support a return of the fairness doctrine:



So you're saying it's bad that fewer American soldiers are dying in Iraq?


that wouldn't have pushed the election in Kerry's favor. he was just as gung-ho as bush.


Well, you know how Bush II always hemmed and hawed and sputtered out that Americans would just have to suck it up and wait to see how the "long game" panned out.

So it's interesting to come back here, in September of 2014, to cite the rise of ISIS, largely composed of the de-ba'athification disenfranchised, with strong support from released political prisoners; some from Abu Graib.

And I'd like that. But that 5h1t ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield
