Go to her website...


You can see all the available paintings and all the old ones. When I watched the movie I thought all her paintings were great except Ocean, but looking att all her paintings I thought most of them were awful, and that there were maybe five that I really liked. Consider that, and that she possibly painted a lot that we never will see at all, and it isn't so hard to imagine that one painting of twenty will be pleasant to the eye. Even if she were blind she would succeed once in a while.

Also the biggest difference to her art and the ones my kids produced is that she fills the canvas with colours from frame to frame. Most kids won't do that, and that lesson alone separates her from the kindergarten stuff that other kids produce. (And yes I do belive the father was an inspiration and a teacher for her, and both greedy and smart enough to see that he could make a buck out of it. And I don't think it was anything wrong with it, the kid seemed happy enough.)


Most of the interesting art in the movie appears to be on a black background. I think they did that to make the finished painting look more complete and filled out. If you used the same paints with the same patterns on a white background some of the paintings would look more childish.

Also, me thinks dad does too much explaining why his daughter paints like a 4 year old when strangers are around...

Also, notice how the DVD of the painting Ocean did NOT have any audio. We cannot be sure if she we coached.

I guess we wont know the truth until 20 years or so have passed and Marla is on her own and out of rehab, disowned her dad, and reconciled with her younger jealous brother... :-)


Also, notice how the DVD of the painting Ocean did NOT have any audio.

It did have audio. You can hear little snippets here and there of her talking, but mostly the documentary's own music track drowns out the painting video's audio.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"


smartest comment yet. She fills the whole frame. That is def. the difference. Thats what makes it look better than most.
