MovieChat Forums > My Kid Could Paint That (2007) Discussion > they cant take away the fact she enjoyed...

they cant take away the fact she enjoyed doing it

whether her dad helped her or not, she was shown many times painting and actually enjoying it, that's all that should matter. She wasn't being forced into 'painting or else no dinner' heck she used her brush as her magic wand many times and making those cute explosions and gun sounds.

I would like to see an update though of older Marla. A 'where is she now' thing. If this thing screwed her up or not.


Uh, it was caught on tape that the dad would raise his voice and bark orders to her. When she wanted to quit painting, he said things like, "No, more red over there" or "Keep going, you have to finish". Some of his voice was on tape, and it sounded brutal. A person in the doc mentioned that he though the dad was mentally ill, and I'd have to agree with that. This kid is definitely going to have some emotional trauma, for sure.

"Harold . . . That was your last date!"

