Kids never lie!

The scene when the dad was blatantly ignoring her hoping she would stop saying Zane painted one of her pictures. Kids that young do not lie, they can only be coached to tell lies. That scene was ridiculously awkward as we have all been in that situation when we ignore but are thinking, "shutup, shutup, shutup".

Anyone think that artist dealer had something to do with the paintings? I sure do.


You can't possibly have kids.

Go watch Bill Cosby Himself and get back to me. No one trains their children to lie. We have to teach them that it's wrong to lie.

Not saying either way about whether or not the kid in the scene was lying, I'm not sure. But I do take issue with your idea that "[kids] can only be coached to tell lies." I assure you that I've never encouraged the practice of lying to my daughter, but I've caught her lying several times.



Kids lie, on their own, for all of the same reasons that adults do--and sometimes just to test boundaries in order to see what they can get away with. I worked with kindergartners for 3 years, and I caught every single one of them in a lie at one time or another. It's not always the parents' fault. And even if a parent teaches their child[ren] not to lie, kids can tell when their parents are lying, thus learning by example.


I actually agree that kids that age aren't prone to lying, but they can get mixed up, or confused. I mean, do you really think Zane, who was I think 2, painted that one? Of coarse he didn't.

It's like when Zane was saying "when I was in mummy's tummy, I painted at the table in my diaper". He was clearly confusing being told that when he was still in his mummy's tummy, his SISTER painted at the table in her diaper, with thinking the story was about him.

I certainly wouldn't read too much into that scene.

It is odd though, that no one just asked Marla, "is this your painting? Did you do this all by yourself?" It could have been asked innocently enough.

“I always tell the truth…even when I lie” - Scarface
