in a nutshell 3

The art would not have sold for anything if they didn't lie about them being painted by Marla. Remember the stacks of paintings the dad had in storage? How much did he make from them? ZIP! That is why these lowlife's created this gimmick so they could get their foot in the door to generate interest from stupid gullible people and take their money. Trying to sell them with the dad as the artist they would have had to work their fingers to the bone just to make enough money to put food on the table. Look at Thomas Kinkade, his paintings are a laugh and a half but since there is a gimmick behind them every moron out there gets on the band wagon and hands over their money. No wonder this country is going broke and people are starving.

The director was annoyed because he got to the point where he was finding out that these people were liars and con artists as was the audience at that point in the film. Nick


If you have to explain something 3 times you haven't really summed it up "in a nutshell".



maybe the "nutshell" he's referring to is his domicile?
