MovieChat Forums > Hear and Now (2007) Discussion > One thing really bothered me about this ...

One thing really bothered me about this Doc...

NOthing about the people or the implants or the film itself.

The Taylor's were wonderful and it was a very touching look at the process. I really felt myself being so happy for them and it was a warm look at two seemingly very nice people taking on a huge challenge.

What bothered me most was one thing Mr. Taylor did.

Here is a very brilliant man who behaves in the most absolutely irresponsible way, that is totally selfish and extremely dangerous.

Did anyone notice the scene about what he does when he was driving?!?!?!? Is this not the most insane, dangerous thing for someone to do, not just someone who is deaf, but anyone?

He was driving with his knee while text messaging with both hands! He looks up every few seconds then back down to the texting...this is highly dangerous, not just to him, but other motorists!

It would be extremely dangerous if a person with regular hearing did it, yet the danger is magnified even more for a hearing impaired person. If the car was veering even slightly into the opposite lane, and the driver is engrossed in the texting at the moment, things could become very bad. If a car or truck is coming the other way and sees this, and honks, to warn the driver, a driver with normal hearing will have a chance to control his vehicle (heck they might even have to take one hand off the text messager!) and avoid an accident...but Mr. Taylor would not hear this horn, and that extra second or two between the time of the honk which is not heard, and his next normal "look" to the road could cause a disaster.

I honestly hope his wife and daughter have a word with him, because it is insanely dangerous. If he wants to risk his life doing things, that is his business, but he has no right to risk the lives other people.

that said, I wish the Taylor's the best of the luck, but please, take this man's blackberry away...or take his car keys.

sorry for ranting but that one scene REALLY bugged me.


I agree completely. How could the daughter film this behavior and just put it out there like it is okay. How about telling her Dad how dangerous and basically illegal it is to drive on a road without looking out the window? Surprising how intelligent people can rationalize stupid choices.

