MovieChat Forums > For the Bible Tells Me So (2007) Discussion > Stigmatize gays = wrong. Stigmatize the...

Stigmatize gays = wrong. Stigmatize the 'religious right' = right.

I get it now.


So then, you didn't actually watch the movie? Because if you did, you might have some vague understanding of the context. For example, the religious right stigmatized gay people for no reason at all. Conversely, the people in this film have valid, personal reasons for speaking out against the religious right.

I eat god for breakfast.


Stigmatize gays = wrong. Stigmatize the 'religious right' = right.
First of all, you didn't even watch the movie (clearly) because they set aside a segment devoted to not stigmatizing the right.

Secondly, the movie is about how the church has been cruel and unloving towards homosexuals. Did you want them to be the hero of the story?

Watch the movie, and then we can have a discussion about it.

I'm just waiting for the sun to shine.


If the fundamentalists are being stigmatized, it's because they are persecuting for profit human beings who have done nothing but engage in behaviors that hurt no one, and infringe on no one's civil and human rights. Fundamentalists, however, who demonize LGBT humans are infringing on human rights, solely for financial and political gain.


Religious right wouldn't be saying and doing anything if Radical Homosexual Activists in the 1950s, led by Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society who were Communists, haven't started the war against those who don't approve of homosexual sex. BTW, Homosexual agenda wants to punish those who have different opinion, they want to take away religious freedom from America, so religious right is justified to oppose them.




Personally, I am not against same-sex couples getting married in the church, or temples of their choosing, like Metropolitan Community Church. They should be given this right, guaranteed by the religious freedom.

Troy Perry, the founder of MCC, should be given an opportunity to do public speakings about his beliefs that God is okay with same sex relationships, but so should be given to James Dobson who believes it's not okay. Yet, so many gay activists try to keep his mouth shut. That's such a double standard.

PS: I read Troy Perry's book "The Lord is my shepherd and he knows I'm gay." I don't agree with him but I don't find him to be dangerous. Yet, many gay activists find the books of Dobson to be dangerous just because they don't agree with him. I wonder why?


Nobody finds Dobson dangerous just because they don't agree with him. They find him dangerous because he spreads vicious, hateful lies about people, and encourages families to abandon their gay children.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Religious right wouldn't be saying and doing anything if Radical Homosexual Activists in the 1950s, led by Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society who were Communists, haven't started the war against those who don't approve of homosexual sex.

Prove it, ass face. Go ahead. I dare you. Prove that the religious ass holes you love so much never did anything to the gays until the gays struck first. Do it. Prove it.

BTW, Homosexual agenda wants to punish those who have different opinion, they want to take away religious freedom from America, so religious right is justified to oppose them.

You are an idiot. Religious freedom in America is constitutionally guaranteed.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


So, if I'm an ass face, then you, Jake with his family, Soulforce, Noonpro8, are homonazis.

You can use your scare tactics all you want, but I will not change my beliefs that homosexual lifestyle is a perverse abomination in the eyes of God, and those who won't repent of it, will go to Hell.

I never said that religious people have not done anything wrong to gays, first. I was stating the fact that the Christian movement in the United States, known as Religious Right, started by Falwell in the mid 1970s, emerged as a counter to the radical gay movement known as the Mattachine Society, which started in the late 1940s by Harry Hay, who was also a pedophile.

I know that religious freedom in America is constitutionally guaranteed but homonazis like you want to redefine our constitution to suit your malicious agenda.


I never said that religious people have not done anything wrong to gays, first.

Yes, you did.

I was stating the fact that the Christian movement in the United States, known as Religious Right, started by Falwell in the mid 1970s, emerged as a counter to the radical gay movement known as the Mattachine Society, which started in the late 1940s by Harry Hay, who was also a pedophile.

No, he wasn't. Prove otherwise.

I know that religious freedom in America is constitutionally guaranteed but homonazis like you want to redefine our constitution to suit your malicious agenda.

That's ridiculous. This kind of alarmist whining is entirely from people like you, who want everybody to be as scared of gay folks as you are.

I am the sod-off shotgun.






None of this information makes Hay a pedophile.

Hay was a supporter of NAMBLA, that is true, and a bit creepy. But do you know WHY? It's because Hay, as a teenager, wanted the right to have sex with adult men. He felt that if he was expected to work and act like an adult, he should have the same recreational rights as well.

In his adult life, Hay was involved sexually with men his own age. I have found NOTHING to demonstrate otherwise, and neither have you. You are repeating the same accusations as the conservative attackers, which generally go no farther than noting a connection to NAMBLA and then extrapolating that he was a baby-raper.

Now, it is POSSIBLE that he was an ephebophile (DEFINITELY not a pedophile, though). I have not read his personal writings to any great extent, but a few out-of-context-quotes that were hand selected by his enemies are not going to convince me either way. My point is that an association with NAMBLA does not prove anything. Of course he is not the gay community's proudest historical figure, but it's amazing how desperately people seem to want to believe the worst about him, with little evidence.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


You can use your scare tactics all you want

"Scare tactics"? You mean, like when I point out that you're lying? Scaaaary!

I will not change my beliefs that homosexual lifestyle is a perverse abomination in the eyes of God, and those who won't repent of it, will go to Hell.

Then don't. None of us really give a flying crap what you believe, because your opinion about my life is completely irrelevant. We just don't want liars and abusers like yourself to be in the position to pass legislation based on your personal insanity.

I know that religious freedom in America is constitutionally guaranteed but homonazis like you want to redefine our constitution to suit your malicious agenda.

Lies like this.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


"Freedom of religion means the freedom to worship as you please. It does NOT mean the freedom to stomp on the faces of and strip rights from people who don't share your religious views."



"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I notice that people keep mentioning that the LGBT community has an "agenda".

Did I miss a memo, somewhere?

Was something passed around the office whilst I nipped out to the toilet?

Because I will not be happy if you're all clued up on this "agenda" whilst I'm left in the dark. You've all obviously been plotting without me. Great, now I feel left out.




No one is forcing their gayness on you! You need to go find some tinfoil as you sound crazy. As a straight woman I've never had to justify my sexual behavior why should gay people? You sound like a horrible person. I sincerely hope you find real love of people in your life before you pass away. Since you believe in heaven and hell it appears you aren't going to ascend. Sorry not sorry.


well, for me it comes down to this: being tolerant about intolerance is plain stupid.



I don't see how anyone could not be moved or devastated by Mary Lou's story of her daughter committing suicide SOLELY because of religious teachings. That segment of the film is just devastating.

I'm gay and I was raised Christian. I spent many many years terrified of coming out because of things my parents had said to me growing up. Thankfully they wound up just wanting me to be happy. Their thoughts on the scripture have changed.

Gay people are not evil or sinful and they don't need to grow up feeling ashamed, guilty and terrible about who they are. That is how I grew up and my self-esteem still suffers for it.


You see, that's a spin. There were a lot more reasons why Mary Lou's daughter committed suicide, but the director is blaming it on biblical Christianity. For example, she was suffering from depression since she was a little girl. He is using Mary Lou's tragedy for profits and personal agenda. That's messed up, if you ask me. Speaking of which, the Bible doesn't say that gay people or any other people who struggle with temptations are evil, but that acting upon these temptations is what sinful and these actions separate people from God.

Btw, I'm glad to hear that you and your parents were able to come to reconciliation.


You see, that's a spin. There were a lot more reasons why Mary Lou's daughter committed suicide, but the director is blaming it on biblical Christianity. For example, she was suffering from depression since she was a little girl.

Uh huh. And only a complete tool wouldn't realize that being a lesbian growing up in a conservative religious household and knowing that your family expresses hatred and disgust for what you are was a huge contributing factor to depression.

He is using Mary Lou's tragedy for profits and personal agenda. That's messed up, if you ask me.

He is using her tragedy to make a valid point about how personally destructive a rigid religious viewpoint can be. And Mary Lou agrees with him, which is why she participated. So why don't you vilify her? After all, she's the horrible woman who dares to exploit her daughter's suicide to deliver that selfish message of tolerance and forgiveness.

Speaking of which, the Bible doesn't say that gay people or any other people who struggle with temptations are evil, but that acting upon these temptations is what sinful and these actions separate people from God.

The bible doesn't say anything about gay people at all.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I've heard Mary Lou Wallner speak on the radio several times, and she never blamed her daughter suicide solely on religion, or on conservative Christians. She has told that she allowed Anna to visit their house with her partner, but it was actually Anna who stopped calling her parents at the request of her group. Also, depression as a medical condition, is something that might hereditary like bad genes. This is what happened to Anna. Mrs. Wallner is a very tolerant and respectful person, even to Christians who don't affirm homosexual sex, as far as I can see. She only stated that after Anna's suicide, she started exploring her views and changed her mind on this subject.


This is what happened to Anna.

You have absolutely no evidence for this. You don't want to believe that her environment played any part in her suicide because you want all of the blame to be aimed away from Christians. Tough. Of course depression can come from within, and of course Anna's suicide was not solely the fault of religion. This is irrelevant. As someone who actually understands depression, I can assure you that environment plays a factor, and for a gay youth to be told by her mother that she will "always hate" that about her, instead of being told that her mother will always love her no matter what, is a devastating blow.

Mrs. Wallner is a very tolerant and respectful person

Yes, she is. You really ought to pay more attention to her message.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I've heard this from Mary Lou on a radio, and then I have met and talked to her in person. My impression of her is not the same as the director of the movie and Mel White of Soulforce present her to be. I agree with you that Anna's strict religious environment played a role in her making it her difficult to cope with her depression and I agree with you that her suicide was not solely the fault of religion.

