Shocked at the ignorence

First of all I should point out that I am an Athiest who was initially brought up as a C of E christian, I am also a straight man.

I found the most shocking thing being just how homophobic America seems to be, I'm actually proud to be from the UK after watching for the bible tells me so.

Its sheer ignorance to take something the bible says and take it so literal, yet ignore the things that you don't want to be taken literal.

"I have come here to Kick Ass and chew bubblegum and Im all outa Gum"


Agreed. I'm an atheist here in the US and the homophobia is astounding.


It's shocking that anyone can be dumb enough to believe a book written by primitive man, to explain the known using the unknown, to deny reason in favor of faith, to deny science in favor of pseudoscience. Childhood brainwashing is a powerful thing.


Explain the starting chemicals that created the world.


Let's not paint all Christians or religious people with broad strokes. There are plenty of us who are rational, logical people who understand that the Bible should not be taken literally, not just on this issue but many.


Well hoppz I'm sure there are others countries that still don't accept homosexuality.

I've heard in the middle east they're kill you for being gay.


I'm sure there is but this film was about the US hence my specific complaint.

Not to mention the the US is a first world supposedly civilised country.


I don't care shut up.


I felt exactly the same about the homophobia levels in the US. Shocked and appalled. It makes me want to fly over and join the good fight against bigotry.

We have a lot of hate here, (England), but that just seemed on another level over there.

I like your signature, by the way, what is it from?

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Worry about what's going on in England and not here dumb Brit.


I worry for the world, including Britain, you bigoted scum. It is people as idiotic and aggressive as you that causes alarm across the globe. You and your type are what holds back society. Ever seen idocracy? It's a film about the dangers of your kind.
