
Not funny, not scary, not clever, no interesting or likable characters... And honestly, pretty much the only thing that came off as even being a parody was the cricket-related death scenes. For example, I can see how incompetent the police were, especially at the safehouse, but I couldn't tell whether that was supposed to be a spoof or not, because they never did anything with it. They were awful at keeping anyone safe, but there were no jokes about it, so was it a spoof or unintentional?

Actually, I really got the impression that the writers and directors weren't all that passionate about their movie apart from the deaths, and everything between was just treading water. So it's sort of like Final Destination 2 with about 0.001% of the budget. Not that IKHMRYCLS is at fault for having a teeny tiny budget, but it does mean they can't afford the spectacular and elaborate deaths that make FD2 a great guilty pleasure, if not a good film.

Also, what is it with making nearly all the characters in slasher movies irredeemable jackasses? That's a trend I'll never understand. Yes, it's satisfying when they die, but until then it's terribly unpleasant to watch them, and the story loses a lot of suspense. I much prefer actually giving a crap about the victims, thanks.
