If you could only time travel in one direction...?

I'd go back.
Love to see historical characters, how they built Stonehenge etc.

Once felt quite embarrassed when asked what I would wish for if I had three wishes.
I said:
1. The ability to time travel.
2. To be invisible when I wanted to be.
3. To speak every language that ever has been or ever will be spoken.

Then I was made to realise that:
1. An end to war.
2. An end to poverty.
3. An end to disease.
might be a little less selfish.


lol...all that 'world peace' stuff is just what people who have no imagination wish for...
id go for 1 and 2 combined...the ability to time travel and be invisible (when desired) thus not causing defects in time...3 would be good...but not needed if im invisible...so my second could be that everyone in the world had a 'fair cop' in life...and a for 3...well...the ability to fly would be nice...;)

so dont be embarassed...just be willing to think things through...:)


"lol...all that 'world peace' stuff is just what people who have no imagination wish for... "
So then he goes and picks what was mentioned above, great imagination greenwood.


"lol...all that 'world peace' stuff is just what people who have no imagination wish for... "
So then he goes and picks what was mentioned above, great imagination greenwood

a) she
b) that was the point...


Why not just wish for omnipotence, then you'd only need one wish?



No, you still have the free will that allows you to choose to do whatever you want to do. It's just that you would already know what you were going to want to do (and, thus, to do) before you did it.

Knowing what your free will will lead you to choose to do is not the same thing as predestination.


I'd suggest you try look up the meaning of the word omnipotence before you pretend to know what you're talking about.

Or are you so omniscient you don't need to ;-)



:-D fabulously intelligent answer to prove your wit and knowledge.

So.. you were saying about omnipotence?.... or do you wish to ignore your own ignorance? ;-)



haha pathetic.. really pathetic.. so you don't actually know the meaning of the word then?...



haha ok, I'll take that as a no. Thank you once again for proving my point for me.
Ta ra :-)

PS I'd maybe have a word with someone about your oral fixation - donkeys and fathers?!... dear oh dear you need to get some help



ok, still a no then?.... you want me to wait while you try to work out how to read, then find someone with a dictionary?...

Edit: sorry, I said I would leave it there, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about, so I should stop being mean for calling you on it. it is the responsibility of us adults to help children through their little problems without being cruel, and I have failed in that. So my humblest apologies..

Hope you grow an extra braincell soon my friend :-)



ok so...nice to see people getting along here...
just to help a little i decided to post this
i was under the impression that by being said deity...you could pretty much do whatever you wanted...having read this...im all learnered now...:)

good luck with the SGU thing...ive never been a fan myself...but thats not an issue...:)

oh and...id go back...i wouldnt want to know whats going to happen...but would have loved to have seen things like ozzy taking a leak on the alamo...and stopping james dean buying his 'new car'...and slapping heath ledgers doc about enough for him to not to give the meds...and many other things that i really dont have time to type(or think you all want to read)...:)


Sadly, ending war, poverty and disease WITHOUT some sort of global birth control program would be a disaster, as the resources of our already over-populated planet would not be able to cope with our increasing numbers.

Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. - Bill Maher


Even worse, the wish granter could decide to end war by wiping out the human race entirely.


The problem I have with this is, if I decide to go forward or backward through time, would I then have any way to travel back to the "present"? I would probably be too frightened to travel into the future and know too much about what becomes of us or myself, so be default I would choose the past. There's a lot of exploring I'd like to do, particularly in regards to American history, and being white certainly helps with that regard. It sucks to have to think of it that way, but unfortunately our history is what it is.



I would go back only if I was allowed to change the history.
If not then past has nothing of interest to me, I'd go to better world in the future.



Well if the universe is like the universe presented in Futurama, you could get to the past by going forward in time. Just go past the end of this universe and bam, the next universe is exactly the same, only a few feet lower. :P

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Don't we all wish we could travel back in time, and change some of those life choices? ahhhSource:Movie Reviews Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travelhttp://moviereviews.noskram.com/2009/10/movie-reviews-frequently-asked -questions-about-time-travel


I don't care about the future and don't want to change the past (don't think we can anyway'.
I want to go back to simply experience and witness history.
Wander the streets of 1920s Berlin, observe the Blitz in 1940, see a proper Medieval city, be there when huge historical events happen but also simply get a taste of daily life of our ancestors.
Answer some of histories great mysteries and crimes.
Oh yes, I'm sure I'd be entertained with a time machine.


No, those choices made us what we are. I'm just talking about going back and having a look, not changing events.
