MovieChat Forums > Dakota Skye (2008) Discussion > FACE UP OR FACE DOWN???


If you have seen the movie, this question makes sense... If you haven't then you should stop what you're doing immediately and WATCH DAKOTA SKYE. ;-)

I'm just curious to hear how people would answer that question and why...

So what is it for YOU? Face up or face down?


i'd want to see it coming as well. however... i may want to do some turns mid-air, so i can see the sky a little too...


LOL! nice one :P more like dakota....jus face up and enjoy the free fall ;)


Face up to see the sun shining, face down if it's raining. ;)


Roll all the way down.

I speak England very best.


This made me laugh. I'm sure that's physically impossible, and you wouldn't get a good view either way, but fair enough. If it were me I'd go face down. If I were in such a bad state as to commit suicide, I wouldn't be thinking Oh, let's enjoy the sky one last time. I'd just throw myself over and do it.


well..falling in the first place implies i wanna commit suicide am i right?

I personally would face up looking at the sky only bc i wouldn't wanna be in the state of fear seconds before i'm dead. I'd rather be at peace..But then again, it would make me a coward to not face what i've chosen for myself..which would be to die. So the correct thing to do, if in the mindset of committing suicide, would be to face down and watch it happen because..well..if your so scared to see it coming, why jump in the first place?

haha yea i thought about it too much.


lol i just finished watching it, and you make me really laugh out loud with your last line, i almost raged but in the end i was at peace lol. great post


I think the face up/face down question is the same as knowing when you're you're going to die or not. If someone could tell you the exact day/hour/second you were going to die would you want to know? Or would you rather kick back and enjoy the ride and think whenever you die you die. It's a good question. I don't think I'd want to know though. I mean sure knowing it I would be able to plan around my life better, but it would always be nagging at me in the back of my mind and I wouldn't really be able to enjoy my life. So, I guess I'll have to go with face up. I'd rather enjoy the ride and let the end surprise me. :)


I'm like Kevin in the film

What's it really matter? Gonna die anyways.

Wether if you're committing suicide or given the chance to know when you'll die.

Seeing it coming doesn't make it not coming.

So I'd just enjoy the fall look around or close my eyes and go into a blissful state (as much as one could while falling anyways).

But to answer the question I would have to choose face up because it would be easier to reflect the past as I'm approaching my doom.


Face down for sure. I hate the feeling of anticipating something but not knowing exactly when it's going to happen.


I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter for me because I'd close my eyes.
Also the whole knowing when you'll die or not knowing makes me think of Big Fish.
This wouldn't work obviously for the jumping scenario, but regarding just knowing the day you'll die.. Well when you know what's going to kill you, then you know you'll make it through everything else. I think I'd want to know.
... Just not in the jumping scenario as you know you wont make it anyhow.


Face up, I know I am going to die anyway. Why not enjoy instead of panic? However, it can be argued that either way will be beautiful...


Haha when Jonah asked that question in the movie, I said face up! :)

"Where's my 20 quid?"
"In my *beep*-off pocket."
