An Alternative View

This is purely speculative, but what if Dakota never had a super power? What if all of the subtitles of what people are truly thinking was really just Dakota fooling herself? Her belief was merely a psychological defense mechanism trying to protect her from being hurt. It came to me when she tells Jonah that the problem is that she didn't know how to trust. Watching this movie from that point of view kinda gave me a whole different level of meaning to this film. Jonah does not have to be someone who always told her the truth or someone Dakota couldn't detect lies, but the catalyst that frees Dakota from her prison. Whatever Jonah really is doesn't matter because Dakota was able to take a risk and finally truly have a chance to love for real. Trust is a necessary element for true love. Jonah was able to give her that.


You may be onto something there...



Hey, Einstein, that's the whole point of the movie... Only 16 year old girls think she really has a superpower.
