MovieChat Forums > Storm Chasers (2007) Discussion > Captain *beep* bka Josh Wurman

Captain *beep* bka Josh Wurman

Wow, I am as annoyed by Sean's ego, BS and childish antics as much as the next guy, but Josh just completely cut the knees out from Sean in tonight's episode when he told Sean that he should take the TIV out the chase for the rest of the season. There's really nothing to be gained by doing this aside from screwing with Sean, especially when you consider that Josh is an investor in Sean's movie (which he'll never finish). I wonder if he invested just to screw with Sean?

Actually if Sean was smart, he'd just take himself out for the rest of the season instead of the TIV, I bet Josh would be just as happy, and his crew might actually get some decent footage, as evidenced by tonight's episode's intercept


josh wurman is a grade a prick and always has been. you could just see that satisfaction on his smug little face when he told him that. he is just an egomaniac who gets off on pulling the strings. sean is a total douche as well and the 2 of them deserve each other... but the other guys on sean's team don't deserve this treatment from wurman.

So remember the new number! That's 0118 999! 881 999 119 725... 3!


Yeah...what I don't get is that a couple episodes ago, Josh told Sean that he couldn't give him any advice about the weather or radars...and now he just comes out and says I think you should take the TIV2 off the road for the rest of the season. What is that all about? Is he just jealous because Sean actually passed people, when he didn't? Why can't Sean just say, I'm will not happen again.

Write that down.


good point. if josh is invested so heavily financialy in sean's film, then why the hell wouldn't he give him weather/science related advice? if there is a conflict of interest due to josh's government funding which forbids him from giving sean information, you would think that the government would further forbid him from even investing in sean as a term of their funding/contract with josh as well due to conflict of interest. something doesn't add up here. for instance, i work for an investment firm/life insurance company... as part of my contract, i'm not allowed to invest with or consult for any competing firms. it only makes sense.

So remember the new number! That's 0118 999! 881 999 119 725... 3!


Actually, its never been explained exactly how Josh and Sean are connected financially.

From what was mentioned in the last two episodes, it seems that Josh helped Sean secure funding, and somehow has control over the money. Either Josh was put in charge of the money by the sponsor(s) or Josh threatened (off camera) to call the sponsor(s) and have them pull the funding.

Some have speculated that Sean is being funded by Josh's National Science Foundation grants and Vortex 2, but this seems highly unlikely since it is federal money, and that is very tightly controlled. Sean might get a small amount of money for agreeing to have those instruments mounted on the TIV, but it wouldn't be anywhere what he would need to spend an entire season chasing.

As for Sean, a lot of what we see of him is either done intentionally for the show (especially the "conflict" with Reed) or is the result of creative editing by Discovery.

For this same reason, I was willing to give Wurman the benefit of the doubt until this last episode. I figured all of the previews and to supposed tension from the Nov. 10th episode was just more Discovery creative editing to add an uncertainty factor.

However, last night's episode he came off as an absolute jackass. Josh has always came across as smug, but no one can argue he is not an expert in tornadoes, so a little bit of smugness could be over looked. However, as the seasons have gone on, he has gotten more and more attitude to a point where it is just unacceptable behavior for someone who claims to be a professional.

Now, Josh seems to be only concerned that people are going to think TIV is part of Vortex 2 (blame that on the show) and it will make him look back. In reality, it won't effect V2 one bit since TIV is not operating with any connection to V2. (Putting a few things on top of the TIV doesn't make it part of V2.) Josh made that very clear earlier in the season when he told Sean to buzz off. I doubt a professional who uses the excuse of not wanting to make Vortex 2 look bad would allow Discovery to edit the show in such a way as to portray one of the project's leaders in such a bad light. Obviously Josh believes the BS he is spewing.


While I agree with you I can not understand why someone would invest that much money in a film that has taken over 12 years to produce with a crew that look like this:


If you want to see someone drunk with power just watch Storm Chasers and see what Josh does on the show. I can't believe someone with such high prominence in his field is such a penishead.

Wasn't he the one that threatened Reed's future employment career if he didn't do what he said.


Wasn't he the one that threatened Reed's future employment career if he didn't do what he said.

Yep, during Season 3. Wurman thought that Reed's radar on the Dominator might interfere with his DOWs (a legit concern), but just like with Sean, Josh couldn't handle it in a professional manner. Instead he had to toss his weight around and threaten to ruin Reed's future employment prospects. Since Reed was once Wurman's student, and Josh is considered to be tops in his field, the threat had some merit.

Reed's reply was basically that Josh could take a hike.


Josh makes me sick. He gets mad at Sean for passing incredibly slow moving traffic, which I believe was partially due to his over-sized V2 group, because people would associate the TIV with V2? Oh please. We all know what the TIV is out there for, the movie, NOT Josh and his higher-than-thou people. What is Josh hoping to gain from taking the TIV out of the field, besides some self-satisfaction? He NEEDS the information off the TIV because no one in his auto club can go inside a tornado like Sean can. It's just ridiculous.


What realy tic'd me off about the whole 'you passed people' snit was that the TIV was in a passing zone (look at the stripes on the road) when it pulled out, so it was still a legal maneuver.

Josh really is a very small man; his personality has rubbed me the wrong way since the first time I saw him on this show.

Fight the FOCA


Josh really does need an attitude adjustment. He claims to be afraid that if TIV is around, people will think that Vortex 2 is driving dangerously. And yet, as we know, at the same time TIV was passing the wannabees, Josh was telling his DOW driver to block other people so they couldn't get in front of the DOW. That is beyond hypocritical, but about what I expected.

Okay, so Sean agrees to stay away from Vortex 2, as requested, and then Josh decides he'll screw Sean TWICE (so far) by doing a 180 and following the TIV, which just makes Josh look like an even bigger jerk than before. Sean did exactly what he was asked to do, and Josh should be professional enough to either allow TIV to keep going on its way (since it was doing exactly what Josh wanted before he decided to ride up TIV's rear end) or stay on the storms he was on to begin with. Heck, given his track record, Josh should make a decision on which storm has the smallest chance of producing a tornado, and then go after it since all of his "best" storms always seem to be a bust. Just look, he keeps telling to TIV to go to the crappy storms since Vortex 2 doesn't want them, and then when his storm goes bust, he runs Sean off so he can have the next one all to himself.

Sean should have just told Josh to suck air already; he is being the consummate horse's a*s and extremely unprofessional. Given Sean's publicity from Storm Chasers, there is no way he would not be able to have been able to secure funding for Tornado Alley without Wurman doing everything he can to scuttle the film.


Yea Josh seems to be doing all he can short of cutting funding outright to shut the TIV down, he even said he wanted the TIV to go home so that without TIV Sean couldn't get any footage and without footage Josh could then pull funding without looking like a douche. At the end of the day he did something worse, he let's Sean continue but imposes a 75 mile ban keeping the TIV away from Vortex 2 and then takes every storm away from Sean, in the process he angers Sean, Sean's team in hopes that either A. Sean's team quits B. Sean breaks the rule or C. Sean doesn't get any tornado footage... In every one of those scenarios Josh could cut funding on Sean without looking like a turd.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a Sean supporter. I think he tends to shoot from the hip, not always making safety his first priority and his willy nilly laid back approach I can understand would ruffle feathers but Josh seems to just be motivated by his grudge against Sean. It has been going on since the beginning of the second season, Josh kept Sean from going into storms because his big honking radar kept breaking down, he kept Sean on too short of leash, this year he refused to help Sean with his radar and in the same sentence asked Sean if he collected any info to send it back Josh's way. If I were Sean I would be shopping around for other financiers, Josh can't be the only person out there with money.


It's just ego, plain and simple. I'm rewatching (cuz I love this show) the ep from season three where Sean breaks off the convoy. Instead of trusting Josh he goes with Doghouse, trusting Matt and Brandon.

Then Josh has a little scene where he basically goes: I don't know these guys, but are they smarter than the combined knowledge of the best tornado scientists in the world?

No Josh, they just have storm chaser instinct. They lead Sean to a grand storm and it totally pays off. Josh has no instinct, all ego.


Josh Wurman comes across as the biggest d!ckhead that's ever chased storms. Plus I have a feeling he's boinking that assistant that's always riding with him in his van (it's always some 20 something female grad student).

I hope you get sucked into the vortex of a F5 Josh!
Ok, that was harsh... I hope it's only a F4.
