
Is this Wallender DVD and others available with English subtitles?


Yes, there are English subtitles.


I know the season 1 and 2 boxes are available here in Holland with the dutch subs, so I'm almost certain you can get them with English subs as well.

Last Movie: Zaitoichi. 8/10


The series is currently being shown in Australia and advertising for the DVD's containing English subtitles are also available here if that is any help to you.


On those season 2 discs produced for the Scandinavian market only eps 1-4 inclusive have English subtitles.



The UK DVDs of the movies have burned-in subtitles for all 26 films.

"Burned-in" meaning that the subtitles can't be switched off. Also they overlap the video information instead of appearing at the bottom of the letterbox area (e.g. they would be less intrusive if they appeared in the black bar area at the bottom). However the benefit is that this allows the DVDs to be anamorphic enhanced. For USA viewers it also helps to know that some UK-isms will pop up in the subtitles ("grassed-up", "buggered", "c.v." etc).
