MovieChat Forums > Wallander (2005) Discussion > Loose Ends in 'Sveket' (Betrayal) [Spoil...

Loose Ends in 'Sveket' (Betrayal) [Spoilers!]

Since this request for help is directed to those who've already watched this episode, I think it's best to shield what follows with the "spoiler" feature:

I just saw the "Sveket" (Betrayal) episode, and I came away confused or perplexed about a few crucial plot points.

Here's what I think I know:

By the end, we understand that the stocky ponytailed geek, Tore, put surveillance cameras in the Wredin home which were supposed to be connected to Julia Wredin's home computer; the camera recorded Julia Wredin's murder.

However, Tore also has an app that lets him remotely tap into the surveillance cameras. When he views the remote video, he sees Julia's murder-- although it's not clear (to me) if the video reveals the murderer.

I assume it does not, because Tore and his girlfriend Alexia use the video to blackmail Erik Wredin, and treat him as if he were the murderer.

Eventually we learn that Amanda was the "betrayed" person who murdered her mother. But unless I missed something, after the murder Amanda left the house, leaving her mother's body where she fell.

So, am I right to think that Tore returned to the house, wrapped Julia's body in plastic and dragged it out to the underbrush, then cleaned up the crime scene?

They make a point of telling us that Tore tried to remove all the signs of his presence at the home, but why would he need or bother to move the body-- or clean up the blood, for that matter?

I can see taking the murder weapon (bloody knife), but "disappearing" the body doesn't seem crucial to the blackmail, unless it was done to throw off the police.

Also, it seems improbable that Tore would risk returning and taking time to clean up the place, since he couldn't be sure that someone (Erik or Amanda) would show up and catch him in the act.

And although we're told that the police couldn't find Julia's computer, which Tore took to cover his tracks, are we to believe that the highly-competent Nyberg didn't find any traces of the surveillance cameras-- which Tore presumably had to remove during his extensive post-murder cleanup?

I guess part of my puzzlement arises because I find both Tore and Amanda's characters inconsistent.

OK, Amanda is a deeply troubled young woman with "issues", but to me even her tormented, irrational behavior doesn't seem plausible.

Although Tore is clearly meant to be a cunning, clever geek, he also seems to be making up his plans as he goes along-- with help and instigation from the more deranged Alexia. After all, he only "lucked out" in the first place by catching the murder on video.

For me, it's a stretch that Tore could sort of blunder along step-by-step with the blackmail scheme, yet do such a good job of covering his tracks until the end.

Finally, another minor puzzle: what was the business of Erik cutting his hand on the booby-trapped car door all about? The injury looked pretty serious, yet after one follow-up scene where Amanda asks about the injury, it seems to disappear completely.

Sorry, maybe it's me. Or maybe the writers are seeding the final series with these points of confusion so viewers will experience the same mounting confusion from which poor Wallander now suffers.


No, it's not just you. I think this is the only episode of the Swedish series that has ever left me feeling so puzzled and "unsatisfied" -- for pretty much all the same reasons.

If it was supposed to be Tore who cleaned up the crime scene (and removed the surveillance cameras), that was some incredibly quick thinking & work on his part. He'd have had to have witnessed the crime as it happened, immediately thought of the blackmail plot & headed into town to get the crime scene scrubbed down & the body hidden. And, as you say, why would he need to go to the crime scene at all?

But, the plastic sheet was already in place before the murder was committed, that suggests that we were supposed to believe that Amanda had done that. Really? Tiny little Amanda was able to wrap up the body, drag it outside & cover it in vegetation all by herself and then, a few hours later, come into a house she would have known to be empty and call out for the mother she knew wasn't there?

As for the booby trapped car door, I don't know. When it happened, I assumed that it had been done to get blood to help frame him, but it wasn't used that way, so -- ??

I think sometimes writers just get a bit too clever with the plot twists.


Thank you for this. I'm glad it's not just me.

It's always nice to be "validated".

I occasionally stumble into a long-stale or little-visited IMDb thread about a program that I'm just now getting to, and post a long-winded comment.

It's not exactly like a marooned mariner putting a note inside a bottle and tossing it into the ocean, but it's close.

This one was especially chancy, since I decided to black out almost the whole thing!

I guess I always hope for replies like this, but don't often get them.



I'm only three episodes into 3, but I've not been as impressed with the writing as I was with the series 1 and 2. I also felt this one was a bit sloppy in the way it tried to bring on the revelation of the real killer, and had similar questions. I was also puzzled by bits of "The Missing," which I also chalked up to the writers trying too hard to keep the viewer guessing. I know that an explanation for why the long missing daughter of the wrongly accused mother from a past case left teeth marks on the new child, but it didn't ring true to me. I wondered too, and perhaps someone can enlighten me if there's something I've missed, why that mother bought and took the knife to guy's house, hid it when the police arrived, and next we see it in the guy's hand pressed to her daughters throat. I wondered why, when Wallander is at the mother's house, we see him twice look at the pair of boots. The happy reunion between the mother and daughter seemed a bit unbelievable as well. There's a girl, kidnapped young by a monster and confined in a hidden room in his basement for years, who beats and bites a new girl he brings in, and suddenly she seems perfectly okay and happy. Anyway, it's been a really good show, but I'm a bit disappointed in some of the writing in this latest set thus far. I hope, continuing into the next episodes, it steps up and doesn't loose plausibility for the sake of keeping the mystery unsolved until the resolution.



I think what troubled me was how Tore and his girlfriend had the knife. How would they know where to find it?

then, another troubling aspect was how would a mentally ill and delusional daughter be able to think of laying down plastic and then of disposing of the body?

As far as the video and the dad goes, I need to go back, and see, but, maybe they knew it was the daughter, by the video, and the dad knew it too. That they weren't actually threatening to expose him as the killer but his daughter. I need to go back and watch it again.

Comic book and film production artist.
