MovieChat Forums > Once (2007) Discussion > Why was hes so annoyed when he said she ...

Why was hes so annoyed when he said she could stay?

When she went back with him after they first met he said shed could stay.

She was seriously annoyed/insulted by this.

Obviously it's understandable that she may not have wanted to - indeed that she may have had very strong feelings on the subject - but in this day and age it seems odd that she should have been so offended. Particularly because there are occasions when you meet someone and feel such a strong connection that you just don't want to part from them (because you feel that after such a short time you may lose them once you say goodbye) and his main intent may not have been sex but just to keep her company (which is rather how it came across to me).


Well, you see there are people with morals and values, meaning that they may be really interested in a person but they don't go and hop in the sack with them right away because they believe in getting to know a person beforehand. This sounds crazy to some people but it's a lifestyle that keeps you out of many kinds of trouble. She's also married and has a daughter waiting for her at home. She's not well-off and can't afford to get pregnant with another child.


I think it may have seemed rather forward to her, and as some have said, she had other priorities.

Then again at the end, when they part ways that last time, he invites her to his place, and it feels like she is still unsure about such a thing, even though he says nothing will happen.

I can't help but think I might have said the same thing as he did, though what drew me into the film, was the next day, he apologizes for what he said.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


They had not connected on that level. Their connection was only professional, collaborative. They trusted each other, but they had no reason yet for expectations on a more personal level. Also, he was old enough to be more mature than some adolescent, and he had displayed his maturity and sense of responsibility up to that point, but then let it fail him, blowing her still fragile trust.



When they first met I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting anything from him. Other than having a nice chat and connecting with him when it comes to music.
He on the other hand was obviously lonely and looking for company (eventhough reluctant at first). So differing expectations.

And when he asked her to stay he might have done it because he wanted company but if I were her I also would have interpreted it as him wanting to have sex with her.
From a female perspective: relationsships with men tend to revolve around sex in some way or another. When you meet someone who you connect with on a different level it can be refreshing. But then to find out that (in her eyes) it comes down to sex again.. could be frustrating.

Add to that the fact that, as we later find out, she is married and has a child..

But maybe I'm letting my mind wander. Just my personal interpretation. (Thought that scene was very relatable for that reason)
