
Ok... if this goes the "teenage angst" way that most Mexican films have done recently ("Amar Te Duele", "Manos Libres", "De la Calle") this is going to be bad...

However, it is also the chance of making a worthy horror film...

"jluis1984 works in mysterious ways"


In fact, this would be a remake of what I consider the best Mexican horror film of all times. Honestly, I was kind of dissapointed by the available cast. The main plot is about the ghost of a girl who hanged herself at a young women's high school.

I just hope that the director takes the original path of Carlos Esteban Taboada, who lacked of any special effect and/or pompous images to create fear. Rather, the plot was thickened and presented in a clear and pure scary atmosphere that is based on mystery (remember 'The Others' and the dark sorroundings).

If the film is delivered as was 'Km 31', I believe it will be a huge success, regardless of the budget or the actor in it. It's got nothing to do with 'Amar Te Duele' or such titles, considering the fact that the same actress is the main character.

Keeps fingers crossed for a good scare rather than a stupid remake (deliver us from 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'The Omen' or 'The Fog').


Keeps fingers crossed for a good scare rather than a stupid remake

Amen to that!!

I've also seen the original and it's a great movie, I hope they don't screw it up with the remake.

Together, it doesn’t feel right at all
Together... together we’ve built a wall


hubieran puesto a diana bracho en el papel de marga lopez


Probably, although [H]Elena Rojo could have been an excellent choice. Has a bit more 'punc' on the screen.


I thought the idea was being aborted. Sadly, we'll have this crappy remake that will likely be something like "Niñas Mal" featuring "Km. 31".

Only because it's a remake from the great original directed by Taboada it deserves the benefit of doubt.

I can't see a disaster on the way...

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


"Niñas Mal" featuring "Km. 31"

That's what I fear... considering the people involved and the style of the pics released.

"jluis1984 works in mysterious ways"


I invite you to visit:

Maybe it can change your opinion of the picture. Not because Martha Higareda is in the film, this has to be a horror version of "Niñas Mal".
