MovieChat Forums > Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! (2008) Discussion > What I learned from Zombies Zombies Zomb...

What I learned from Zombies Zombies Zombies

1. The acronym "ZZZ" is pretty accurate.

2. All the hottest strippers wear two padded bras at the same time and refuse to take either of them off.


All strippers know how to operate a gun.

Whores and strippers have feelings (kinda).

Even though it's impossible to run from a slow-moving zombie, a light kick to the shins will slow it down or knock it over.

Strip clubs have no backdoors.

Zombies will stop attacking to let the doomed couple have their final moment.


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I thought the girl looking for her cat got it at the backdoor.
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EVERY monster stops attacking to give the main couple a final moment. Then they either die or get away.


I thought jessica barton was the hottest


When trying to kill a zombie its apparently a good idea to shoot it in the shoulder

Blood can come in many ranges of colours, from light pink to dark crimson

six barrelled revolvers only hold 3 bullets

Zombies are so weak that a punch in the face from a slight woman, a kick in the nuts and a WHIPPER SNIPPER will kill them


A stripper pole, when flung into a horde of zombies, will knock them back several feet.

A strong bitch-slap to the head will destroy a zombie.

There is an ongoing dispute between the stripper and prostitute communities.

Contrary to popular belief, neither actually take their clothes off.

But all are loud, mouthy, and have very little emotional depth.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


Civilians don't know the difference from a normal person and a zombie
The Cop can't act to save his life

"I've never chopped wood before. But I've chopped other things"
SCIII Teenage Wasteland



pimps really want to slap everybody

in all messed up situations, a hero shall assign himself the job of saving the day

Perry: Talking monkey, yeah, yeah. Came here from the future, ugly sucker, only says "ficus".


Even though willingly taking their top of during a strip show, the moment they go of stage they feel insecure and HAVE to cover everything of.

A Stripclub wall is thin and can be easily walked through.

A scrawny nerd can score with a stripper for free.

Everyone can walk into a research center without any questions asked.

When in a car with a customer, its more polite to smoke your crack in a spliff, save the crack pipe for when you are with friends.

A corpse is strong enough to hang underneath a car at high velocity.

When you don't believe in zombies ask your uncles ex wife


Strippers and prostitutes should be seen and not heard.


Zombies follow strict movie mob protocols what no more than two zombies will try to enter a room at a time.

The pimp back hand is the 3rd best weapon to take down a zombie (behind double barrel shotgun, and chainsaw).

When you think the coast is clear, the best thing to do is to keep the lights on, and open the door to the Pancake restaurant just to make sure.

In a semi-metropolitan area there will only be one cop on duty, who consequently the only person answering 911 as well.

Zombie crack gives whores superhuman strength...

"I don't know about cards, but I think these .45's beat a full house" -Omar Little.
