Is this show scripted?

I know this is supposed to be a reality show, but we finally watched the first two episodes off tivo, and it really felt like they were sometimes reading from a script? Anyone else feel the same?

After two episodes it's too early to tell if the show has potential. It isn't total crap, and I like that they mix the teams up. It will be interesting to see what eventually happens when the black team finally loses and a new captain is selected. I would assume JD would automatically get the black mark and would be cast off, unless he can buy some votes. I think it has potential to be real strategic and it has the potential to be real predictable as well. I just wished it didn't seem so forced and contrived at times.

With the lack of anything else on, I'm willing to give it at least another week.

"Who's the bigger fool, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


With the lack of anything else on, I'm willing to give it at least another week.

Same here.

so don't blame me
Liberal does not mean terrorist!


I wouldn't say the show is scripted, but it definitely feels rehearsed. Especially that first episode. I can't imagine somebody having the presence of mind during all the activities they go through to steal the two compasses. And then for JD to pull out of the air the idea of measuring the distance of a shadow for a half hour to indicate east and west. That whole thing just looked and felt set up to me.

Also, I had a feeling in the second episode that there were snake handlers just behind the cameras getting the snakes to hiss and snap.


I wouldn't say the show is scripted, but it definitely feels rehearsed

Rehearsed, that's the word I was looking for, it felt rehearsed, like JD was trying to remember what he was supposed to say. Even Fabio or whatever his name with the compasses was, seemed like he was giving his lines on cue. He didn't look bright enough to me to come up with the "ok - so tell me which way is north" line after JD's navigation speech.

I also happened to notice after all the debate about the compasses, there was a giant compass by the navigation wheel.

I think the show could be good without doing all this hokey captain and crew crap. Basically it feels like Big Brother meets Survivor on the high seas.

"Who's the bigger fool, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


OF COURSE the snakes were hired from Hollywood! The show’s producers can’t risk having any of the participants bitten by a snake (even if it is non-poisonous). For the most part, the snakes tried to get away from the people thrashing about in the water. With each crew there was a scene of a snake hissing widely or striking but in both scenes the snake’s attention is directed at the camera. It was clever editing that made it look as if the snake was attacking each crew.

Along the same lines, the voice over mentions shark infested waters, and they showed some footage of a shark, as both crews swam ashore. I am sure that Caribbean island has several small sharks living in the shallow water but when 15 people jumped into the water & started thrashing ashore those sharks went into hiding and couldn’t be found if you tried.


It isn't scripted or rehearsed, you people watch way too much T.V. you can't even recognize a jackass from a normal person. JD seems weird and at a loss of words as if he forgot to say something because...he's an average person and somewhat of a douche. A friend of mine is really good friends with someone heavily involved in the show and it's all 100% real, no doubt. Sure they dramatize it but what do you expect? ALL reality shows do that. Quit nit picking and trying to find every negative thing you can about this show and just enjoy it. I myself have actually enjoyed it a whole hell of a lot more than reality shows like "Big Brother" and "Survivor", PM is way more unique.



"Pfffft... You think that gives you any credibility? This is like saying, "I know the fights between Simon and Ryan Seacrest on American Idol are real. My ex-husband's wife's sister's cousin's twice removed knows someone who works on the show."

I knew someone would bring up some jackass comment like that because they don't want to believe it. You know I'm not lying, there's no reason for me to lie and you know it.;


PM is way more unique


How so? All Mark Burnett did was combine Survivor and Big Brother. Not sure what is unique about the show.

And for the record, I'm not being negative. I actually rate the show about a 6 out of 10. The Pirate stuff gets campy and in the way of the real show, but I plan on watching it to it's conclusion and sincerely hope that it develops into a good show.

My initial comment was that watching John(?) I think that's what the scientist/model's name was. When he was defending himself to the crew and captain, it looked like he was looking directly into cue cards, and JD's response wasn't much better. I honestly don't think it's scripted, but that doesn't mean it didn't feel that way. 3rd episode wasn't nearlt as bad.

But to say the show is unique, I can't think of anyway to defend that. The voting system is right out of Big Brother and the opening credits, the team challenges, the confessionals, the host, counting the votes and other than saying the "Tribe has spoken" it's now "Captain, cut them adrift" I guess I'd be interested in knowing what makes PM unique.

"Who's the bigger fool, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi


Yeah, it feels very canned. Scripted AND rehearsed, I'd say.

I just about died laughing at the supposed danger of the snakes. Yeah, like they're going to risk letting someone get bitten. Very clever editing, as someone else pointed out, made it look dramatic but the people were nowhere near those snakes, if they were even poisonous anyway.

We're still watching but it's definitely filler since the airwaves are a wasteland right now.


"And then for JD to pull out of the air the idea of measuring the distance of a shadow for a half hour to indicate east and west."

He was in the navy. You learn things like that in the military.


"And then for JD to pull out of the air the idea of measuring the distance of a shadow for a half hour to indicate east and west."

He was in the navy. You learn things like that in the military.

Um, I learned that in camp when I was 12. It's not that big a deal.

And Now... No. 1... The Larch.


I’d say the “contestants” have been “prompted” (to talk) on a number of occasions by the producers.


Based on Azymuth's response to Laurel's defending herself I guess I have to change my opinion. Azymuth's response was so lame it couldn't be scripted. He was like a deer caught in the headlights. I half expected him to complain to Cameron that the convicted shouldn't be able to talk to him. My god did he ever sound like a moron.

As strong as Azymuth looked in the first couple episodes he now looks like a bafoon, from screwing up the clue last week to letting Jay push him around this week (choosing the blackmark) to freezing on Laurel's response. Jay was smart to make him captain, put him somewhere where he can't do any harm.

"Who's the bigger fool, the fool or the fool that follows him" ...Obi Wan Kenobi
