JD's Speech To Louie

Joe Don was captain twice in a row and took the largest share of money for himself--being captain went to his head(he got power hungry)-He(and his first mates at the time) got all the good food and made the others do all the work.All that pissed Louie off (I don't understand why he was the only one that got mad at him as much)Louie vowed to get revenge on him and finally got the chance when the underdog team he was on won and made him captain. I was happy at the time seeing JD worried about what Louie was gonna do-(After all he gave Louie the black mark and cast off his pal Christian)-Now Louie was in the position to give HIM the black mark--He DID!!--but when it came time to give their defense speeches- Joe Don turned things around and verbally defended it being fair that he got so much money as it was a captain's right and plausible for anyone to do so in that position that would need the money-The words that really turned things around was a LOW BLOW -saying "I don't have anything against you Louie -I love ya brother!" That moment made Louie look and feel like a HEEL in front of everyone for wanting to get back at JD in the first place--I HATE when that happens --you're mad at someone vowing to get revenge for something -- finally get the chance--and they pull the plank out from under you like that!--Very underhanded JD--- LOL!



Hmm, Louie was the wrong one in the matter. Joe Don was only doing what he was allowed to do and keeping the money for himself. As for Louie losing his friend Christian because Joe Don gave him the black spot... the other people voted for Christian to go, so that's hardly Joe Don's fault. Joe Don has never had a problem with Louie, Louie just had a problem with him.


Joe Don was only doing what he was allowed to do and keeping the money for himself

Louie & Azmyth were allowed to keep half the treasure but knew that sharing would keep the crew happier.

Also, eating all the good food & giving the crew gruel, as JD did, was above & beyond the captain's right to keep half the loot!
