If they are pirates ...

If they are pirates, why hasn’t anyone tried any dirty tricks yet? For instance, this past week when they had to row from one island to another for the next clue, I would have liked to see them set the other boat adrift as they set out on their way. Or they could have ripped the first clue out of the box rather than just trying to rehide it.

What made Rupert lovable on Survivor? When he stole all the shoes in the first episode! What’s wrong with these pirates?




you heard Jupiter. They're modern pirates. They don't need any peglegs or striped shirts or trick-or-treat belts or hooks for hands cause they've got new school stuff of their own. But it's up to them to bring it out.



> If they are pirates, why hasn’t anyone tried any dirty tricks yet?

Well, maybe because they aren't allowed to. That would ruin the whole competition if one team was allowed to literally sabotage the other team. It isn't good TV when there is only one team racing.

"Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand." - S. Wonder


Well, I would call John's last ditch efforts at Pirate Counsel in the first episode kind of a dirty trick. Stealing the only compasses and using them to bargain for his staying on the ship? A worthy pirate tactic!


You are right; John with the compasses is the sort of dirty trick I meant. No one since has even attempted anything.

The show needs something to make it more interesting. Week after week of running through the jungle, digging in the sand, vote off another is getting a bit boring. Even if it meant locking the other crew out of the rest of the treasure chase I’d still like to see them (the leading crew) shake things up somehow.


Yeah ive thought about this too, there is soo many times when i thought to myself to just do all kinds of dirty underhanded tactics but alas I dont think the Burnett is gonna play along. It would make for a much more interesting show.
