Yojimbo close?

I haven't seen this film and shall no doubt be criticised for my comments by posters who have, but from the descriptions this seems to me to be Miike's take on the Kurosawa classic Yojimbo, which was itself re-made as the spaghetti western " A Fistful of Dollars". It is no bad thing to be inspired by Kurosawa so that is not intended to be a criticism. I would like to say that I like most of Miike's films, especially The Happiness of the Katakuris which is totally bonkers in the way that only Japanese films can be. Anyway, this film sounds interesting so I shall look out for the DVD.



Katakuri is actually remake of a Korean or Chinese film. Django does share some similarities with Yojimbo but it's not really anything like it. I did actually watch both this and Yojimbo on this weekend.

There's really no scheming in this film which is big part of Yojimbo.
