Commie Claptrap

This movie is Commie claptrap. Some of the defendants were clearly guilty of instigating conflict with the police. They had contempt for the United States, capitalism, police officers, and traditional moral values. Nor did they they have a well-rounded, profound view of political philosophy. That becomes especially clear in the anarchist antics of Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman. Even the socialist pacifist David Dellinger went on a mindless Commie rant during the trial that had nothing to do with the issues in the trial itself (read the transcript). What the movie also does not tell the viewer is the fact that the Communists in North Vietnam and Cambodia murdered 1 million and 2 million people, respectively, after the left-wing lackeys in the Democrat Party pulled all support away from the South Vietnamese. The movie also fails to note that, under Mayor Daley, Chicago, unlike other Democrat-run cities, retained its white middle class, keeping Chicago one of the most vibrant, economically sound cities in the U.S. Ironically, you can thank the idiots running the "peace" movement in the 1960s and early 70s for Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich and the rise of the religious right, not to mention the personal and public failures of Bill and Hillary Clinton during the 1990s.


You got it,brother.

Pro-'60s Propaganda like this will never stop being made; after all the evidence that has long since come out,from the likes of David Horowitz for instance, the Left will continue to glorify such insufferable,psychobabbling haters like Abbie Hoffman,Jerry Rubin, the Black Panthers and the deliberately destructive tactics they did,evidence to the contrary, were NEVER in the cause of "freedom" but to bring about a totalitarian government. Their entire act was an abominbation of True Freedom.


what about the police tactics, were those the embodiment of True Freedom in society?


What your saying is so off topic to what the whole movie was about, and what the whole trial was about. I have read the transcript, and I can tell you this trial was pure a violation of the rights of all the defendents. Not to mention the absolute denial of the constitutional rights of Bobby Seale.

If the defendants were so wrong why were their convictions overturned by the court of appeals?

What Daley did for the middle class of Chicago has abosolutely NOTHING to do with his poor managing of the demonstration!


Big Brother knows all about "True Freedom," bro.



Well, many of the leaders of the "hippie" movement did have confused, often naive ideologies. Of course, the so-called hippie movement also consisted of a lot of different segments with a lot of different beliefs (some didn't believe in nonviolence or "peace, love, and not bathing" at all) - the wacky Right has tried to gloss over history and still tries to demonize the 60s protest movement forty years later. But hey, history has vindicated the hippies - draft card burners, protesters, etc. were far more right than the Right would like to pretend. They were also more moral than the destructive, vile-minded "victory at all costs" and "once the war has started all dissent must stop" and "stop the Commies!" group of moronic fascists - who, incidentally, present far more of a threat to American freedom than the hippies ever could, even as the Right continuously, mindlessly shout (fooling many) about their love of America and freedom, etc. The protesters were right to be angry - and when the government ignores the protests of its people (even when they weren't a majority) dodging the draft and other such acts of resistance become ethically imperative.

You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant


Retaining the white middle class? What the hell does that have to do with Chicago being a vibrant city? Because it is still one of the most racist cities in the nation?


All hail capitalism!



you're an idiot. I hope some day people of your ignorant and myopic mindset die off and the world can start over fresh, but that day will probably never come, because stupid, uninformed red-stater's like yourself don't believe in abortion or birth control so you keep breeding more dumb, republican hicks. it's a never ending cycle.


The U.S killed over a million Vietnamese during the Vietnam War and hundreds of Thousands of Cambodians. It was the Vietnamese Communists who drove Pol Pot from power and after that the U.S. gave aid to Pol Pot's forces.


It was the Vietnamese Communists that assisted Pol Pot in his rise to power. Many Khmer Rouge soldiers were recruited by Cambodian parties trying to stop Hun Sen, who is a very corrupt individual, after the fall of Pol Pot. The whole thing is a confusing mess, but the facts are that at the time of the Vietnam war, the Khmer Rouge was a close ally to Communist Vietnam and strongly Anti-US because of the bombings. If the US did not leave, millions of civilians probably would not have died in Southeast Asia although it would be naive for me to say that civilians wouldn't have died with continuing presence. I just believe the casualties would have been far less and the Cambodian government would have been less volatile. However, some do believe that even with continuing US presence, the Khmer Rouge still would've won the civil war.


I grew up in Chicago during this time period and first of all I have to say the city was and still is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Second of all Mayor Daley (the elder) was ignorant and the police department at that time was all 2nd generation thugs (Irish and Polish) for the most part. In exonerating the Chicago 10 the incident was called a "police riot" and you could see that it was also a class war, police wading into a crowd of mostly young unarmed college students with their batons in strike position. And yes, some of the more bloody scenes were not shown. With the kind of rhetoric that McCain and Palin are using in their campaign I can see this type of anger building up again and it willnot be pretty if it explodes again.


How is protesting commie? Have you any idea what communism means? Freedom of speech, messy cloths, disgusting beards and weed. Yea, that's just what communism is all about, right?

Also: Fnck, you're dumb boy.
