Think it's all a hoax?

I mean maybe he's fooling us all Andy Kaufman style?
I mean Andy Kaufman played practical jokes on people
but he was the only one to "get" the joke.
If you look at Ulli's profile it says his dad was a comedian.
Maybe he thinks this is all pretty funny?



Maybe he thought it is funny seeing people wasting their time watching this! :)



I hope he had a good laugh. He proved that most people who wrote reviews were too dumb to read the DVD case before renting it.




Believe it or not you can tell a lot about a movie by the way it's advertised on DVD. This particular film proves the value of observing the details of DVD packaging. There are good quality independent films and videos, but they are rare and this isn't one of them.




Well I don't know about you guys, but where I rented the DVD, the cover art was very close to the cover art for the actual movie with harnett, same style I should say...and usually I check the back but my b/f grabbed it and was so excited! then we put it in and...well I should have paid closer attention to when the release date was and I would have guessed right away it was a knock off. Preying on those who impulse rent DVD's lol



You have just illustrated the value of what I was talking about. One mustn't look for the style (that's how they fool you) but look for the exact image. This ripoff has a head on shot of a rotting Betty Short face, but the DePalma one has the face in profile and horizontal with blood dripping from the mouth. It's true the art sometimes changes for video, but that's why it's important to check for names.



I was looking for a bad horror movie when I rented it, because I was in that kind of mood. But I was thinking bad like The Grudge, not middle school film technique and porn actors. (4+2 = 6... 7-1=6 ... 6+0 = 6... 666!!!!)

Seriously. This was the crappiest crap ever, and there was no way anyone could predict how god-awful it was going to be from the cover if you didn't know anything about Ulli Lommel-- especially considering the only cover a movie like this should have on it would say "DVD-R"--whatever the cover of a blank, home-made dvd would say on it-- or "6th Grade Movie Porject" (misspelling and all).


You may be onto something... But he's done so very many movies like this, I think the joke has run its course!


Seriously, the movie is awful and I've only just begun watching it. Luckily, it only cost me 2.00$ to rent from an automated DVD rental place. Which is also why I probably rented the wrong Dahlia movie. Frig.


I'm gonna have to go ahead and say this movie is the worst movie I have ever seen (even worse then rest stop!) That's including all the made for tv movies I have ever seen. I really do hope this was a joke. Boogeyman was bad, but nowhere NEAR this piece o crap. I could seriously direct a better movie then that. Alot of people say that in exaggeration to make a point. I am being completely serious. You, me, or probably anyone else on this site could make a better movie...
