MovieChat Forums > The Thing (2011) Discussion > Pretty good prequel movie except...

Pretty good prequel movie except...

...the bridging of both movies. If I remember correctly, weren't the norwegians hunting The Thing in dog form using a helicopter at the start of Thing '82? You need to have a huge imagination to think of your own scenario. Where the chic dies and finds more norwegians and a helicopter along the way.



If I remember correctly, weren't the norwegians hunting The Thing in dog form using a helicopter at the start of Thing '82?

This movie ends with two Norwegians "hunting the the Thing in dog form using a helicopter." It ties directly into the 1982 film, andĀ even uses the same soundtrack music.

Frankly, I thought this was at best an OK film, but that final tie-in with Morricone's theme ... gave me goosebumps.

In fact, the filmmakers (of this film) considered having at least one scene showing Lars fumbling stuff, just so we'd realize he's the one who dropped the grenade at the start of 1982 film. Personally, I thought having him introduce the grenades was reference enough.


What huh? The researcher chic kills the other guy at the end. Then the film ends with her sitting in the cold and dark alone. When were they hunting the dog thing?


Awww, you missed it! It's interspaced with the first set of end credit titles.

It's the next day, the chopper pilot lands, sees the base on fire, and starts calling out names. The 1982 Ennio Morricone theme starts playing.

We then get brief interior shots, especially of Colin with his neck and wrists bleeding frozen blood (like the body in the 1982 version).

Then Lars comes out and makes the pilot show his fillings.

The dog suddenly jumps out and starts running, and Lars starts shooting at it. He tells the pilot it's not a dog, and the movie ends with Lars hanging out of the helicopter and shooting as they chase down the dog.

That's why they have Lars introduce Kate to the grenades - he's the one who, in the 1982 film, drops the grenade in the snow and blows up the chopper and pilot.

here, just found it on YouTube:


What the hell? I'm certain almost nobody has seen it, lol. Thanks.


I saw it and I thought they did a decent job tying the movies together. That wasn't one of the prequel's flaws.
