CGI trash

This could've been an ok film if they had followed in the steps of JC's The Thing and used mostly practical, this CG looks fake as shit!! Just awful, totally ruins it.


The CGI towards the end could have been better. I'm talking more about split face. He actual;ly looked blurry to me.


If that split face was done practically it would've been amazing but no.....we get shitty PS3 graphics lol! That doesn't scare me one bit, in fact it looked laughable! This movie could've been a decent companion to the '82 movie but instead it's a thorn in that movie's thigh, this movie disrespects it by using really shoddy and badly rendered CGI. The story wasn't bad but not that original either, when I'm not scared of the monster and laughing at it instead it kills any chance of real suspense it could've had. The '82 version was a tension filled masterpiece and suspenseful as hell!


Oh yea cause the practicle effects of the thing 1982 were so amazin. (sarcasm)


It looks a lot better than badly rendered CGI that they should've taken more time with and it's not going to date well either. Look at all the CGI films of the late 90's like Spawn, Blade(the ashing effects and the CGI blood/skeleton bats during the finale), Deep Blue Sea, Mortal Kombat, the CGI in these films looked kinda cool back then but now it looks really dated/bad while the practical elements still hold up in 2017. That's a testament to physical practical effects if they're done properly, yes there's bad practical effects but if done right it will hold up. Some CGI films like Jurassic Park/T2/ The Matrix still hold up but even those don't look as groundbreaking and breathtaking as they used to because we've seen better stuff since then. The Thing creatures in the 2011 film just doesn't have that realistic physical detail that other CGI films have(JP is an example of this) and what a well done practical effect has, the '82 creatures just looked more organic and like they were really there and the 2011 version lacks that. It didn't feel that the 2011 creatures were there unlike the '82 version, they should've done a mix of practical and CG in the 2011 film instead of all CGI. Jurassic Park did both and it looks great! Were the 1982 Thing effects amazing? Compared to the 2011 version.....yes! They looked more realistic, it was gorier, the creature designs were better/scarier/more creative, it felt like it was actually there(sorry ethereal CGI can't substitute's not physical), it may not be as fluid as 2011 CGI but it just had more character and was a lot more memorable. I don't hate the 2011 film but it could've been handled a lot better and Mary Elizabeth is pretty good looking too!
