
How much of the celebrity sessions is improv? It seems like Alexandra Wentworth knows what she's going to ask, but the celebs don't. It really has the feel of improvisation.



The closing credits give all the guest actors writing credit. I would imagine they just riff and use the best scenes and/or takes. She probably has a few questions in mind but when things get rolling.....banzai


From what I have seen when they talk to the producers, directors and even some of the actors is that there IS NO script NADA. NONE. It's all improved. It's actually quite refreshing to see a series that does this. There have been others that do a mixed (improved / script) but this I really like alot. Dr Goode is soooo freakin' neurotic :)


I'd like to believe this - but I can't believe a tv could be produced WITH NO SCRIPT... I'd assume it's like CURB. The script is a guide for the "story" but the dialogue/conversations are improvised. Landesberg's dialogue seems completely improvised since it's mostly comments, replies and one offs.

