Hank rarely f'd up

Karen and Becca got mad at him like 60 times in 84 episodes. But most of the times he didn't do anything wrong. He always said to Karen that he only wants her. But what is he supposed to do when she keeps rejecting him? She dated other men too.

Often enough it wasn't even his fault. Charlie got him all these crazy people to work with, so it was almost a guarantee that something would happen.

3 times he really f'd up though:
• Throwing Becca's phone into the wall
• Throwing Becca's phone into the pool
• Punching Charlie in the face for calling the girl that set his place on fire "Looney Tunes"

But other than that? He loved Becca and Karen way more than they loved him. He was always ready to just be with Karen and see no other women anymore.


ITA with you. That's why I can't understand how some people who have watched the show call Hank the cheater. If anyone was the one to cheat and not able to commit it was Karen.


He loved Becca and Karen way more than they loved him.

Kids are supposed to be like that, so Becca has an out, but Karen has no excuse.

Dearly Beloved, We are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. Prince RIP


Yeah that always really got me that characters and fans kept saying that Hank messes up.

He never messes up. The problems they blame on him are almost always because he's standing up for what's right (in his mind at least). Things just get complicated, people get hurt (not his fault) and yet he assumes all the blame.

It's almost a character study of a punishing narcissist in Karen, and the destruction she renders on a man who loves her obsessively. Not to mention the terrible daughter she raises.

Hank would have been way better off with Heather Graham and Levon, people who actually wanted him to be involved in their lives and accepted him for what he was.

Oh and not only did she date other men, she cheated on him first.

One could make a good argument this is not a comedy, but a tragedy.


Completely agree, brilliant post.

edit: "she cheated first" did he actually cheat at all? they were rarely together, so when he was seeing women, Hank and Karen probably weren't together.


fully agree


I say the following with a lot of love for Hank... he made me cringe ALOT. 

Hank made a lot of terrible choices - he was a serial *beep* up.

For one, he's a serial philanderer. Can't say no? Means you're an addict. He should have sought help.
Whether he was single or not, isn't relevant. At what point does someone bang any person who offers themselves up?

Plenty of instances he was having sex with several women in a short period of time, and sometimes Karen was one of those women.

Who risks their jobs by sleeping with a student, the teacher's assistant, and the dean's wife? He slept with them AND his "true love" Karen, all within a few days of each other, also risking upsetting her if she found out.

Promiscuous behavior is the breeding ground for STDs but he didn't care about the risks. Heck, he'd sleep with women without knowing their name, let alone their age. How do you not ask for age when you're having relations with someone rather obviously that much younger, where 2 years make all the difference between legal or not?
BTW - In the real world, that statutory rape conviction would have resulted in him being a registered sex offender, with all the bells and whistles.

His behavior with the stat rape case lawyer was another screw up. He almost had it sealed if only he had stayed out of trouble. Instead, he ends up drunk at a party and with two young women's hands down his pants. Didn't he get burnt by Mia, first seducing him and then stealing his writing? Why even engage her socially?
Then he screwed up getting the replacement lawyer by being a complete dick... at their meeting, he behaved worse than a child.

Lots of more examples, could do this all day but who has the time. 

Yes, there were instances where Becca & Karen were wrong about him and they screwed up as well. But at the end of the day, he was the main *beep* up. If he truly cared about and wanted to be back in Becca & Karen's life, he should have shown his sincerity & commitment to them. His apologies sounded like a broken record... 


"Come to the dark side. We have cookies."


Season 2 they both screwed everything up.

All of their actions were screwed but both of Hank's major issues (Sonja, Mia impending) were during his separation from Karen which she caused by having an affair with Bill. Wrong cunnilingus girl was just flat out bad luck across the board.

I do believe that Karen was sent off to New York to minimize the character to give Natascha McElhone time to grieve as she had just lost her real life husband to a heart attack while filming season 2. He was only 43 and they had just celebrated their 10th anniversary. She was also due to give birth around the early portion of filming for season 3.

I've wondered frequently if they had a different direction intended but due to those unforeseen circumstances were forced into a more "same old Hank" course.


One area where he really screwed up was in how he allowed people to walk all over him.

I just watched that episode where he covered for Lew to protect Karen from getting hurt again. He was at their house and that psycho stripper showed up bringing Lew's wallet to him. Hank met her on the lawn and negotiated getting it back from her. Of course Karen comes to the door and Hank covers by saying she is his new girlfriend.

Then the psycho stripper practically invites herself into the house. Hank does nothing to stop her.
Psycho stripper then begins teaching his daughter how to dance like a stripper. Hank does nothing, says nothing to stop that.

Karen blows up and throws them out of the house. Becca once again goes dark and tells her dad what a screw up she thinks he is.

Hank takes the stripper out to his car. She asks him if he wants a drink. He thinks about it and flippantly says, yeah. Like why not.

He can't talk about protecting his daughter from evil influences, bad boys, etc. on the one hand, and stand there doing nothing, saying nothing as the psycho stripper barges into his daughter's home and then begins corrupting the girl.

Once outside he never even tells that psycho off for barging into the house and causing so much strife between him and his daughter, and ex.
For a guy who loves those women and wants to stay in their lives, he sure didn't give a crap about that stripper creating chaos and strife. He didn't have one word to say to her about it.

So later on (next episode) when I saw him looking depressed over it, I found I didn't care anymore. Just like the recycled arguments with Karen and the recycled Becca darkness and whining; I have seen the same scene so many times, heard the same things said so many times, watched Hank fail to defend himself so many times, I don't give a damn.


I just started watching Californication, up to episode 5 in the first season now, and I have to say it is hilarious. Time flies by when I watch this show. When the episode ends I am surprised; it doesn't seem like that much time has passed. I am ready for the next episode right away.

At this point I see Hank as a great guy generally speaking. He reminds me of college life back in the 80's, living pretty carefree and having fun, except he has a daughter. He still has that juvenile streak going pretty strong, drinking, fighting, and *beep* Some of this is mid life crisis and some of it is due to some mild situational depression (drinking and fighting maybe), but basically he is a cool guy who likes women and has few responsibilities. He is old enough to have a few regrets, but other than losing Karen and Becca to Bill any he has don't seem to bother him much.

Well, he is a little out of sorts because of his writer's block and his pining for Karen. He really isn't open for a serious relationship because his thing with Karen isn't over.
He uses condoms so he is responsible about his sex life, STD wise. And he is basically a moral, ethical guy.

As I mentioned I have only watched 4 whole episodes so far, so I don't know how things will play out, but at this point I can't see much to complain about regarding Hank. I would not mind having his life, he sure gets plenty.


I don't think he was out of line in throwing Becca's phone. She is a spoiled little *beep* he paid for the phone and has every right to do whatever with it. He is a very cool dad and it's good to see him buckle down sometimes.


While some of the times it wasn't really his fault, many times it also was (like having sex with his students).

The worst thing though is, it usually turns out fine for the people around him, despite his mistakes. Hank is always punished the most in all kinds of situations.

Hank is a very lovable man, but because of how self-destructive he is, he doesn't manage to convince many that he is.


I can think of other situations in which I think he *beep* up (I'm in season 3)
-Banging Becca's teacher/boyfriend's mom.
-Banging Becca's best friend's married mom and the other chick in the cocktail party at which Becca was also present.
-Having weed accesible to Becca and her friend in his typewriter.
-Hiding the whole Mia situation and letting Mia become close with Karen and Becca even after Karen had already dumped Bill.
