Walter killed jane

Watching this again I never noticed Walter is actually responsible for killing Jane.when he went to Jessie's house after drinking with Jane's dad he tried feverishly to wake Jessie up shaking him at which point Jane who was sleeping on her side was pushed on her back as the result of Walter shaking jessy.then immediately she started to choke ,im shocked I never realized this before


If Jane hadn’t been such a worthless junkie nothing Walt did would have made any difference. She chose to break the law and she bears the responsibility for the consequences, quite frankly I’m glad she’s dead, I didn’t like her attitude. Karmas a bitch ain’t it


Yes. Not only did he not save her as he was the one who caused her to die in the first place. Damn, Walter is a disgrace in the lives of everyone.


Walt didn't cause her to die, if Jane hadn't shot heroin nothing Walt did would have made any difference, this is the problem with millennials, nothing is ever their fault, it's always someone else's fault. Walt wasn't legally obligated to save her however I'm sure if Jane were a nicer person he would have. As I said before, Karma's a B!tch.


Jane went back onto heroine, partially because of Jesse, and indirectly because of Walt (Walt goading Jesse to put one his friends, Combo, onto rival territory to be killed, pushing a distraught Jesse into a drug binge).

Jane was not worthless, she had her demons and hang ups, but ultimately deserved so much better than what she got.


That's pretty indirect for Walt killing Jane. Jane was responsible for her own actions. Jesse was a powerful influence there, and, yeah, it's not like Walt had nothing to do with it, he's a considerable factor as well, but he didn't make her take heroin.

That said, he did let her die, and that was the moment I felt like Walter had crossed a line from hero to anti-hero and straight through into villain. That was the point where I just wanted him to get his comeuppance, not worm his way out.


Walt is the reason Jane rolled over on to her back. If she would've thrown up while still laying on her side, she wouldn't have choked on it.

Obviously Jane sort of brought it on herself by relapsing and shooting up, but after Walt indirectly rolled her over, he didn't do anything to stop her from dying. If the police knew Walt had been there, they'd definitely be questioning him.

I wouldn't say he killed her, but that's definitely gotta be some form of manslaughter if not something slightly worse since he could've kept her from dying simply by rolling her over.


In the episode where she introduces Jessie to heroin, she says when he lies down, that he will have to lie on his side in case he vomits. She took caution about this, and they always slept on their side. She rolled over on her back because of Walt, and started to vomit, choking. All he had to do was rolling her over on the side and at least she wouldn't choke... But it was most convenient not to, as she was becoming a problem to Walt, and also taking over Jessies loyalty, instead of him. Walt needed to own Jessie for himself, to be able to manipulate him.

It was chilling how Walt put on this lovingly father role, caring for Jessie after she had died. I think that was the turning point for me, and I could see Walt was becoming really dangerous.


Walt didn't kill her, but he sure didn't save her!
