MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Hank's DEA Language Skillset?

Hank's DEA Language Skillset?

Wouldn't a DEA agent especially one that works in a State that borders Mexico (New Mexico) and has 3 Border Crossings/Checkpoints at least try to learn Spanish especially when promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge and even at one time being posted to El Paso?

I thought it behooves you whether making a street bust and the criminals are speaking Spanish or you're back in the office listening to wire taps and reading other written Intelligence?

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Yeah, I would think the DEA would force anyone working in that area to learn Spanish. It would make sense for them to understand the language many of their suspects speak. Hank seemed to have a very arrogant and snotty attitude towards Spanish, so he probably didn't want to learn it, but I certainly think he should have. All the other "gringos" in El Paso did.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Yeah, I thought it was another way to show that Hank wasn't as good at his job as he thought. He was sort of a big fish in a small pond who lucked out a lot throughout the series.


Definitely! Very good observation. Hank was good** at what he was doing in ABQ, and half of the reason why he was so respected was his bravado. But when he was put into a different environment with new people who thought a bit differently he was very much out of his depth.

**) Well, if you can call someone who unwittingly leaked vital information to the very person who turned out to be their suspect "good".

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Wouldn't a DEA agent especially one that works in a State that borders Mexico (New Mexico) and has 3 Border Crossings/Checkpoints at least try to learn Spanish especially when promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge and even at one time being posted to El Paso?

I thought it behooves you whether making a street bust and the criminals are speaking Spanish or you're back in the office listening to wire taps and reading other written Intelligence?

Not speaking Spanish isn't necessarily a big handicap when 90% of Hank's work is behind a desk and most Mexican police speak English. If anything it was a bigger problem for Hank when he was in the field.
