Jesse's Confession

I know we didn't see the details of what he said on that tape to Gomez and Hank, just them talking about it after for a bit. But did he tell them that he personally murdered Gale? If he did, I don't see how they could not turn him over to the police on a capital murder not to mention him being an accessory for pretty much every murder that Walt committed?



It's called a plea deal, he turns in the criminal mastermind in exchange for his smaller crimes not being prosecuted.


It was so hilarious to watch the Nazi's sit around the couch drinking beer and laughing at his confession video. "Is this pussy going to cry through the whole thing?", LOL that was one of my favorite quotes out of the whole series.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Jesse didn't rat on anyone. Hank had figured almost everything out already and Jesse just filled in the gaps.


Jesse ratted, he gave up information about Walt that helped Hank. Jesse is the lowest form of scum on the face of the planet, he deserved what happened to him. It all goes back to the saying "snitches get stitches".

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Snitching is a self-preservation mechanism. In fact, WALT did it on more than occasion. Remember, he made a snitch tape to give to the AUTHORITIES at one point too. He was even fabricating crimes to snitch on Hank for, guess who, the AUTHORITIES.


Walt had no interest in turning that into the cops. He was warning Hank that if Hank tried to destroy the family and ruin his children's lives he was taking him down with him. It was a brilliant strategy and Hank was being a selfish pig who deserved to die, rather harshly I might add.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Walt had no interest in turning that into the cops. He was warning Hank that if Hank tried to destroy the family and ruin his children's lives he was taking him down with him. It was a brilliant strategy and Hank was being a selfish pig who deserved to die, rather harshly I might add.

You're truly a *beep* up person with questionable morals not to mention your desire to see someone beaten within an inch of their life and raped by another man.


The Hippo-crite is a total waste of your time. He will defend and justify every one of Walt's actions no matter how reprehensible said action is. He'll contradict himself over and over. He's a blind fanboy. Walt-worshiping idiot. You'll get nowhere with him, except that you'll count your blessings that you weren't born with a similar IQ to him.


Is there any kind of behind the scenes stuff or some blu ray bonus footage or anything out there that shows his confession in its entirety?


Sadly I haven't seen anything that would suggest this. But I imagine that the writers probably did write out a full length confession somewhere.


I have the dvd and I can confirm there's is an extended version of the confession in the extra's. It's about 4-5 minutes long if I remember correctly.


I would have never thought that if Jesse didn't rat. The minute that you snitch anything is fair game.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I would have never thought that if Jesse didn't rat. The minute that you snitch anything is fair game.

Why was Jesse even involved with the operation in the first place? Because Walt brought him in.

Why did Jesse try to engage Gus's dealers in a street shootout? Because Walt refused to help with Jesse's reasonably workable ricin plan and then went a step further and ratted him out to Gus. Walt ratted Jesse out to Gus. Ratting is a form of self-preservation.

Remember, WALT created these scenarios. He doesn't just have cancer. He IS the cancer.


Why was Jesse even involved with the operation in the first place? Because Walt brought him in.

If you're talking about the Pilot, yeah, Walt forced him into partnership. But as far as Gus' business, Jesse basically forced Walt to bring him on board. Walt got Jesse out of the crack house and into rehab, gave him the opportunity for a fresh start, and Jesse decided to start cooking Walt's formula on his own.

That was actually 1 of 3 key reasons Walt started cooking for Gus in the first place - 1. Ego that didn't want to see Jesse cooking his product; 2. Gus' "a man provides for his family" speech; and 3. Turning to the cook after his marriage was falling apart.

Why did Jesse try to engage Gus's dealers in a street shootout? Because Walt refused to help with Jesse's reasonably workable ricin plan and then went a step further and ratted him out to Gus. Walt ratted Jesse out to Gus. Ratting is a form of self-preservation.

Plenty of blame to go around here, but it's not this one-sided. Walt did, in fact, save Jesse's life when he was walking into a shoot-out he was not likely going to win. This is the confrontation Walt was trying to prevent, even if it was considered "ratting" to Gus (thru Saul). The goal was to have it worked out without anyone getting killed. Unfortunately, Walt was naïve thinking that Gus wouldn't ultimately order the dealers to kill Tomas. Yeah, he could have gone thru with Jesse's plan and killed the dealers, but he was again likely naïve thinking they could fix the problem without bloodshed.

Remember, WALT created these scenarios. He doesn't just have cancer. He IS the cancer.

Not picking either side here, but this is very "anti-keyboard-Heisenberg-ish". 😊


That was a HORRIBLE plan. How obvious would it be to Gus that Walt was involved in some way? Two of your guys die from a rare poison. The revelation Walt is involved in it staring Gus right in the face. Rare poison...insanely talented chemist...rare poison....insanely talented chemist. No way was Walt going to agree to letting Jesse do it and just sit around hoping Gus doesn't decide to figure out exactly what's going on. The moment he defied him he flat out planned to kill him at soonest convenience.

Just look at the way Mike and Gus do business. They don't just leave unsolved crap laying around them.


Eh, the traces of ricin disappear within hours. So Gus wouldn't have known they were poisoned, or at least that it was a rare poison that did it. Plus, he had no idea those two were responsible for killing someone close to Jesse, so he shouldn't have assumed that Walt and/or Jesse would have been involved. It would have been really random to think that.


I really don't think Walt ratted Jesse out to Gus. It was more than likely Mike, via acquiring the information from Saul (who himself got the information from Walt.)
