MovieChat Forums > Love & Mercy (2015) Discussion > I had my doubts, however...

I had my doubts, however...

Been a fan of Cusack's work since The Sure Thing and but had my doubts about him pulling this off. Pleasantly surprised by his performance. Actually off the performances were really good. Heartbreaking to watch at times but a really well done movie.


We didn't know about this move but watched the trailer and tried it. Really good, and both Dano and Cusack were great in it.


I saw the movie yesterday and really liked it, too.

The abuse by Dr. Landy was tough to watch but there were a lot of cute moments in the movie that showed how young these guys were when they were doing really well with The Beach Boys' early hits and even during Pet Sounds.

As an example, I liked it when the control room interrupted Brian to tell him that his father had just driven up and the other guys leapt out of their chairs to hide the pot. He was still their strict father and they were his young sons.

It almost made me cry when the father said he'd sold the rights to all their songs - and I could see Brian melt over it.

I'd forgotten how good "God Only Knows" is, too. I'd never realized that so many different musical instruments were involved but it's obvious that the song has a unique sound. It's one of the prettiest songs ever written.

I love Brian's falsetto voice!


"It almost made me cry when the father said he'd sold the rights to all their songs - and I could see Brian melt over it."

I was very angry when I heard about it in real life - same for the way The Beatles got screwed out of their publishing several times.

My thought for Murry was "GET A JOB!" - of if he wanted to manage another popular band, then get a good one. The Sunrays were HORRENDOUS!

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.
