If you were Melinda

Question for ladies, if you were Melinda what would you have thought about Brian at first? I mean if you were a car sales person and a customer came in like that , no shoes , acting kind of strange. I'm wondering how I would feel? Would I find him creepy and strange or would I find him cute and endearing? I mean before she knew who he was! I wonder if that actually happened that he had his shoes off and was saying he didn't want to get sand in the car and all? Or was it exaggerated for affect in the movie? Since John Cusack really didn't look anything like Brian, I'm wondering what he would have looked like mid 80's? Probably kind of cute. I still think Brian is cute in his own way even old. And than when he gave her that card, that said like Help me, or something like that? I can't remember exactly!

So you other ladies on here, what are your thoughts on this had you been Melinda? And how old was she do you think? I'm 53, so when the Beach boys were popular I was a little girl. But I'm wondering if I was older would I recognize a mid 80's Brian Wilson?


I would have definitely been wary of someone who was a paranoid schizophrenic.. but then again they got married, had children and are still together, so what do I know.

But -- they didn't have the meds back then for that disorder that they do now. But many people with schizophrenia - from what I know and have heard and read - do very well in life. And of course he had access to the very best doctors, so..

Look at us. You pretending to be me, signing a book I didn't even write. -Selina Meyer


The blurb at the end of the film said that Landy had mis-diagnosed Brian Wilson and he wasn't a paranoid schizophrenic. I don't think it said what exactly his mental health problem was, but just stated that there was significant improvement once he was getting the correct medication. The interesting question for me is, was Landy incompetent or did he mis-diagnose Brian on purpose? It seemed clear that he was over-medicating him as a way of exerting complete control over every aspect of his life.


Yeah the part about his diagnosis was vague. I remember it said they changed his meds and he got better. I'll have to Google around and see what I can find. Now I want to know what the diagnosis ended up being - unless it's just not out there -

Look at us. You pretending to be me, signing a book I didn't even write. -Selina Meyer


I'd be interested to know if you find out what Brian was diagnosed with. I wonder what was wrong with Landy- megalomania? Hysterical performance by Giamatti, in every sense, lol.


I wonder what was wrong with Landy - megalomania?

Landy seemed to me a classic case of narcissistic personality disorder.

A pretty nasty condition, as the "afflicted" makes life very difficult indeed for others:


Love & Mercy: 9
It Follows: 8.5
Whiplash: 9


Bipolar (formerly "manic/depressive") with auditory hallucinations?

I'm not sure how much of the "schizophrenic" component is even applicable.

Love & Mercy: 9
It Follows: 8.5
Whiplash: 9


The card would've piqued my interest and the fact that he was so honest and hurt in the conversations in the car. I have been told that I have a habit of picking up strays in need of help-people and animals.

Now had I been at the concert and he (Dr) asked me what I said every time I tried to speak to my date, I would not have liked that at all.

I read that the film makers relied on M&B quite a bit so that the parts of the movie that deal with them dating are quite true. Melinda said after she saw it she had to drive around in her car for a while and Brian said Giamotti(?) had the Dr down to the voice and it really scared him.

I also read that he would keep Brian sedated to keep him out of his hair and when he needed him to do things that he gave him uppers. The Dr did more damage to BW with his meds than he did himself.

As a renaissance chick, I paint, write, and sing loudly off-key.


I may have been intrigued at first. But honestly, I dont think I would have stuck around after the date. More because of Landry always being around.

We accept the love we think we deserve
