
Anybody know/care to venture a guess as to what JC's Brian says to Melinda? Enjoyed the movie, but that ending seemed to be a bit anti-climatic to me, and I'm wondering if it's because I'm completely unaware of what he says to her?


It isn't really important to the story.

But my guess is he's asking her to marry him.


dude, the ending is AMAZING! I honestly almost cried. Everything he had to say IS in "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and I thought it was really fantastic they did that gimmick;


My feeling was that they were letting us hear exactly what Brian was thinking at that time. And to show how a guy who has admitted that talking to people is a real struggle for him at times (particularly those times) was also capable of connecting with millions of people through his music.

"I don't need to believe it's real. I just need to believe it."
