Seemed very one sided

In my opinion pretty much all the characters were one dimensional. They were either pure protagonists without a bad bone in their body or evil itself. I was very disappointed mainly because I enjoy Dano's work.


pure protagonists without a bad bone in their body or evil itself

It's about thelife and work of Brian Wilson. So I would have expected it to be Brian heavy.

Brian's dad - everybody says could be and was a total monster.

Dr Landy - his behaviour is depicted in the film precisely as it has been recorded in many books including Brian's autbioraphy which was ghost-written for him at Landy's request. Landy never hid his methods. he would boast that Brian's head only had room for one crazy person, and that was his psyhciatrist. Evan Landy has responded with the fact that Brian was 340 pounds, drunk, whacked out and waiting for death until put in the care of Dr Eugene Landy and that Brian's life was essentially saved by his father. That is arguable, and it is even acknowledged in the movie dialogue spoken by Brian.

But the fact is that their relathionship went from a 12 month 24hour doctor patient relatioship, at the end of which Brian was supposed to be in fit enough state to fire Landy (as he had done before in 1976) to a nearly ten year period where Brian lived in fear of backsliding and so in fear of Landy's warnings of what would happen if Brian was left to his own devices in any way. It was also advantageous to Landy that his diagnosis of Brian's illness was left unchallenged and his prescription of heavy psychotropics continued, while at the same time having control of Brian's finances and career.

No'one's. character is distorted. It's all true. HArdly Paul Dano's fault.

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


Dr Landy - his behaviour is depicted in the film precisely as it has been recorded in many books including Brian's autbioraphy which was ghost-written for him at Landy's request. Landy never hid his methods. he would boast that Brian's head only had room for one crazy person, and that was his psyhciatrist. Evan Landy has responded with the fact that Brian was 340 pounds, drunk, whacked out and waiting for death until put in the care of Dr Eugene Landy and that Brian's life was essentially saved by his father. That is arguable, and it is even acknowledged in the movie dialogue spoken by Brian.

The real life people depicted in the movie have seen it and said that Landy was actually even worse in RL than in the movie. Hard to imagine.


I think that they portrayed Mike Love with at least a little depth. He's all for commercial success and against experimentation--if given the choice to be one of the Beatles who grew or Herman's Hermits who didn't, he'd stick with HH.

Yet, when Brian starts experimenting with sounds that eventually became Good Vibrations, Mike talked to him in a way that drew out what Brian wanted to accomplish.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.
